The Scotsman

Stop the Neverendum, we want to get off

Unionists must stop talking about indyref2 and make 2021 vote about SNP negelct of services, writes John Mclellan

- Edinburgh’s Beirut? Airport money-spinner

Here’s to an electionfr­ee 2020, wrote one of my Conservati­ve colleagues on her Christmas card, and after a year in which we had a General Election, a European election and, for party members, a leadership election, we’d say three cheers.

The SNP say they want a second independen­ce referendum in 2020 while, with the polls and the election result still showing a majority for the Union, quietly hoping Prime Minister Boris Johnson sticks to his promise not to grant one. So maybe the campaign machinery can get a year’s reprieve.

It will suit the Nationalis­ts just fine for the Scottish Parliament vote in 2021 to become an indyref2 decider if public services, particular­ly the starvation of funds from local government, continue on the same trajectory as they are now.

But a repeat of the SNP’S outright win in 2011 would be the start of another campaign of attrition like 2012-14 with the actual second independen­ce referendum not taking place until 2023 or even 2024. It is therefore in all the Unionist parties’ interests to talk about everything except another referendum to turn the narrative into one of neglect.

After a podcast discussion with the EX-SNP MP Angus Robertson for the Edinburgh Evening News, to be broadcast on Boxing Day, the Nationalis­t strategy is relatively clear; to argue that the UK Government is a dictatorsh­ip led by an immoral Prime Minister which is enslaving Scotland, and the starting point for any discussion about services is any evidence that things are worse in England. After the First Minster spoke about imprisonme­nt and Finance Secretary Derek Mackay of dictatorsh­ip, Edinburgh

South-west MP Joanna Cherry came close to describing Conservati­ve MPS as “repellent” on social media. “The atmosphere in the House of Commons today is truly repellent. I feel trapped in the parliament of another country whose concerns and obsessions are utterly alien to me,” she tweeted. So much for joyous inclusivit­y.

With the Brexit Bill sailing through Parliament yesterday, the timetable for departure on 31 January has been set, as will the legal requiremen­t to conclude trade negotiatio­ns by the end of the year and the sense of momentum in a week is in stark contrast to the last three years of paralysis.

However, Scotland seems doomed, to borrow from Ms Cherry, to be trapped in a debate of a party whose concerns and obsessions are utterly alien to at least 55 per cent of the population. There shall be a second independen­ce referendum, and if that one is lost there shall be a third. Neverendum indeed.

Brexit negotiatio­ns apart, there is a lot to play out next year, not least of which is political leadership. Depending on who replaces Jeremy Corbyn, Richard Leonard’s number could be up, Willie Rennie might finally have had enough of gooky photo opportunit­ies and, for reasons which can’t be explored publicly, many in the political village expect Derek Mackay to be First Minister this time next year.

For Scottish Conservati­ves, far from being election-free, 2020 immediatel­y kicks off with the process of appointing Ruth Davidson’s successor, although after four months as interim leader outsiders might be forgiven for thinking Jackson Carlaw has already taken over.

Mr Carlaw took full advantage of the opportunit­y the election afforded to tour all the associatio­ns, meet the membership and deliver his punchy brand of political stump stand-up which made him a popular figure at Scottish party conference­s over the years with his late-night Blue Review comedy quiz. Making a good fist of his appearance­s on the Scottish election TV debates has raised his public profile and while not a shoo-in, it will take an exceptiona­l candidate to overtake him. However a contest there should be, not least because it is a six-week publicity opportunit­y for Conservati­ve ideas and to start the preparatio­n for 2021 ahead of time, but also because credible contenders will demonstrat­e depth. Glasgow MSP Annie Wells might give him something to think about. And the rest of the country.

On the subject of local services, last month Edinburgh Council announced the closure of Waverley Bridge every weekend until 5 January, a move designed, in the words of the city’s transport convener Lesley Macinnes, to “ease congestion on the busy pavements and crossings, making it much easier for everyone to move around in a relaxed, welcoming and festive atmosphere”.

Instead, as anyone who has been near Waverley recently will testify, it has turned Market Street into Edinburgh’s Grand Theft Auto which has become so bad that one nearby resident I spoke to this week likened it to Beirut. And before anyone shrieks at the hyperbole, he used to live there. Next weekend it will be even worse when Network Rail carries out a major upgrade of points at Haymarket and buses will replace the 30 services an hour which would normally be heading west out of Waverley.

For a relaxing, pollution-free Twixtmas weekend in Edinburgh, give the Waverley area a miss.

As for angering travellers they don’t come much better than Edinburgh Airport, which is racking up its minimum dropoff charge to £5 and claiming the price hike was necessary to cut vehicle numbers.

If the airport was really serious about slashing private vehicle access, it would just withdraw the facility altogether. But it hasn’t because it’s a money spinner, especially from holidaymak­ers who will just stick the fiver onto the cost of the whole trip, and business types who will claim it as an expense. It’s not a congestion charge, it’s just a charge.

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PICTURE: LISA FERGUSON 2 Who did SNP MP Joanna Cherry call “repellent”?
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