The Scotsman




1 The 25th book of the Old Testament (12) 9 City in southern Spain (pop about 900,000), the site of the Alhambra Palace (7)

10 To put into, or incite to, action (7) 11 True-hearted or faithful (4)

12 An area of stunted trees or shrubs (5) 13 A young ox or steer (4)

16 Fred __ (1899 - 1987), a US dancer, film actor, etc, who starred in Top Hat (1925) (7) 17 Pertaining to the intestines (7)

18 Out of the usual or eccentric (7)

21 A subdivisio­n of an army (7)

23 A sudden rise of the tide in a river (4)

24 A fillet for the hair (5)

25 The bones of an animal (4)

28 Having characteri­stics of both sexes (7) 29 Kemal __ (1881 - 1938), the founder of modern Turkey who was president from 1923 to 1938 (7)

30 A heavily fortified disputed hilly area of

southern Syria (5,7)


2 An imagined rock with fabulous properties (7)

3 An unfledged hawk (4)

4 A block or portion, especially of an issue of shares (7)

5 To calumniate or defame (7) 6 Fragments, especially those left after a meal (4)

7 An echinoderm belonging to the class Asteroidea (3-4)

8 The currency of Germany before it adopted the Euro (8,4)

9 An instrument for measuring electric currents (12)

14 The offspring of a male lion and a female tiger (5)

15 Open-roofed areas of Roman villas (5) 19 Ian __ (1908 - 64), London-born author who wrote Casino Royale (1952) (7)

20 Ruined abbey in Monmouthsh­ire, the

subject of a poem by Wordsworth (7)

21 A silk stuff on which figures are wrought (7) 22 A sudden attack (7)

26 An aromatic herb used in cooking (4) 27 Cosmo __ (1864 - 1945), Fyvie-born priest who was Archbishop of Canterbury (1928 42) (4)

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