The Scotsman


Time to take the narrative into our own hands and stop asking permission, writes Joyce Mcmillan


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Know your enemy. It is the first rule of war, and of the proxy warfare we call politics. Yet in the weeks since the general election, it has been comprehens­ively broken, by left and centre-left political actors and analysts across the UK; so much so that when Boris Johnson appears on the political stage waving his supremely hypocritic­al olive branch, the temptation for many must be to knuckle under and take the proffered pudgy hand, purely because, from a Westminste­r perspectiv­e, the Prime Minister and his backers seem like the only functionin­g political game in town.

In the aftermath of the election, it seems that the primary impulse of many among the losing parties has not been to understand the force that defeated them, but to use the election result as a stick with which to beat old enemies on their own side, and to refight the ever more bitter internecin­e battles of the last two decades. For Labour Blairites, for example, this result is the chance to take back the party which they believe was somehow stolen from them, between 2010 and 2015. For Corbyn supporters, by contrast, it is the final bitter fruit of the Blairite betrayal of the British working class, which hollowed out Labour support in areas like the ex-industrial north. Either way, the aim seems to be to return to something lost; nor, despite Nicola Sturgeon’s impressive electoral victory in Scotland, is the SNP, the third party at Westminste­r, entirely free of similar yearnings and recriminat­ions.

Yet the most cursory examinatio­n of the Conservati­ve Party and government that won power last month confirms that no past template, in the recent history of British politics, is likely to be of much use in creating a successful opposition to it. In the first place, both Blairite moderation and Corbynist radicalism emerged as responses to the four decades of neoliberal economic policy imposed on Britain since 1979; Blairites want to go with the neoliberal flow but ameliorate its impact, Corbynists to challenge the fundamenta­ls of neoliberal thinking.

Yet while the row between these two factions continues on the left, the Tories – over the last three years – have quietly abandoned most of their neoliberal rhetoric, and begun to present themselves as a party of patriotic top-down statism. The magic money tree whose existence was so robustly denied during the Osborne austerity years has been found, and is about to rain down largesse, particular­ly on those who are prepared to eat their cornflakes, and adorn the public spending projects of the future with large Union flags.

Opposing this kind of pseudo-patriotic Toryism is a very different business from opposing global neoliberal­ism; and both Labour and the SNP risk finding themselves deploying the anti-austerity arguments of the 2010’s against a government riding the populist-nationalis­t wave of a new and very different decade.

Secondly, the Boris Johnson government has given clear warning that the days of constituti­onal flexibilit­y and politesse are over. In post-brexit Britain, power resides at Westminste­r, and with those who fund and back the governing party at Westminste­r – all other levels of administra­tion, from the devolved government­s in Cardiff and Edinburgh to the city mayors of England are, I suspect, in for a series of short sharp shocks about how little real power they have, when Westminste­r decides to play hardball.

Thirdly, that authoritar­ian attitude will also extend to individual rights, on matters from employment rights to freedom of movement and freedom of speech, as dissident anti-government views are increasing­ly dismissed as the griping of a defeated and irrelevant faction. Fourthly, future opposition­s must learn how to contend with the near-absolute control of the political narrative, and the national political conversati­on, now exerted by the

Tory government and its wealthy backers, via a predominan­tly right-wing print media whose news agenda is loyally mirrored by the major broadcaste­rs.

So that is where we stand, as the new decade dawns. Any successful political opposition will have to find profoundly new ways of challengin­g the hegemonic power of this new generation of leaders, and those who stand behind them. The essential counter-force is the fact, and the spectacle, of ordinary people at the grassroots of society doing things differentl­y, doing it for themselves, and making it work; from Extinction Rebellion to transforma­tive local power projects, people increasing­ly need to stop waiting for permission and begin to embody the change our society and environmen­t desperatel­y needs. We should also bear in mind that there is no real majority for Johnsonism in the UK, any more than there is one for Trumpism in the USA; these movements only represent the largest minority, in both cases, and can be defeated by strong strategic alliances at all levels among those with different priorities.

In Scotland, likewise, we urgently need a new independen­ce movement that goes far beyond the SNP, to build strength from the grassroots, and to look outwards to new confederal alliances, against the growing constituti­onal absolutism of the old power centres; in a decade or two, what will matter between nations will not be the idea of absolute sovereignt­y, but the extent to which the structures within which they work together are based on creative mutual respect, rather than brutal and destructiv­e power-plays.

As for the forces that shape our political narrative and debate – well, the truth is that we will have little future, environmen­tally, politicall­y or personally, unless we stop listening to narratives framed by the people in power who have brought us to this point, and start writing our own stories, about how to build a sustainabl­e future for our children and grandchild­ren. Artists and other visionarie­s – like the mighty Alasdair Gray, whom we lost this week – do this all the time, and now we must do it for ourselves.

“Work as if you were living in the early days of a better nation”, Gray famously said, inspiring a generation of Scottish artists – now, every one of us needs to begin to work, create and imagine, as if we were living in the early days both of a better nation, and of a better world.

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 ??  ?? 0 Artist and writer Alasdair Gray urged people to “work as if you were living in the early days of a better nation”
0 Artist and writer Alasdair Gray urged people to “work as if you were living in the early days of a better nation”
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