The Scotsman




Birmingham Yardley MP Jess Phillips was interviewe­d on the BBC’S Andrew Marr Show shortly after announcing she will stand for the Labour leadership. An impressed @ carryonkei­th tweeted: “I’m in shock. I just watched a politician on Marr being interviewe­d and giving straight, honest answers. Well done, Jess Phillips.”

@Mikefoster­1403 added: “The interestin­g political leadership pitch by Jess Phillips was that when you win the trust of people, you can actually tell them things they might disagree with. But that trust gained allows that conversati­on to take place in an civil manner. It also makes credible what you do offer.” However, a suspicious @ Trickyjabs wondered: “If Jess Phillips is so proud of speaking truth to power, how come she’s now furiously going back through 100s of her old tweets and deleting them?”

And @simonmagin­n queried: “Wow. So Phillips can smear the entirety of Labour youth as antisemite­s because they posted ‘Palestine Lives’ and you’re OK with that? Yeah think I’m getting it now. Thanks. Bye.

@darrengrim­es_ added: “I also find it hilarious that Jess Phillips reckons she’s going to stand up to Donald Trump on the world stage when she couldn’t even stand up to the anti-semitic, communist cranks within her own party. Pull the other one, pet.”


Speaking to Sophy Ridge, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said he understand­s the US killing of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, but called for “de-escalation” in the region.

@Steven Swinford observed: “The contrast in tone between Britain and the US is stark. Donald Trump is this morning vowing to ‘hit Iran harder than they have ever been hit before’. Dominic Raab tells Sophy Ridge there needs to be ‘route through this which allows Iran to come in from the internatio­nal cold’.”

@maguip applauded: “Enjoyed the whole interview with D Raab, very well spoken, clear, concise and very diplomatic. Sophy Ridge tried to catch him out but failed.”

However, @Gethaberg reckoned: “There has never been a foreign secretary more subservien­t to the US. Vassal state.”

@kenfyfe concurred: “Raab will be a wallflower watching the grown-ups.”

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