The Scotsman

Warriors outdone by 19-minute try blitz at RDS


Before the weekend, Glasgow Warriors held the honour of claiming the quickest try-scoring bonus point of the Guinness Pro14 season. Grant Stewart, Matt Fagerson, Callum Gibbins and Oli Kebble had all scored inside 23 minutes of their 50-0 win over Southern Kings at Scotstoun back in November.

But Leinster rewrote the campaign’s stats book on Saturday night as they romped to a 54-7 derby win over Connacht at the RDS – chalking up their bonus point in just 19 minutes. Max Deegan, who crossed in 103 seconds, Dave Kearney, Ciaran Frawley and Joe Tomane grabbed the early scores.

And it was a point a minute for Leo Cullen’s men during the first half, as further tries from Luke Mcgrath and Deegan, pictured right, left injury-hit Connacht a full 40 points behind.

Garry Ringrose’s well-taken brace sandwiched a consolatio­n 69th-minutemaul­tryfrom Connacht replacemen­t Tom Mccartney, with their tenth victory of the Pro14 season keeping Leinster 11 points clear of Ulster at the top of Conference A.

Elsewhere, Adam Warren’s late try sealed a 25-18 derby win for Dragons over Ospreys at Rodney Parade.

Dean Ryan’s team led 10-8 at half-time after prop Leon Brown responded to a try by his Wales teammate George North.

The Ospreys got their noses in front through young centre Tiaan Thomas-wheeler early in the second half. But wing Rio Dyer crossed in the 76th minute and was swiftly followed over by Warren to claim victory for the hosts.

Wing Charlie Walker scored a try in each half in Zebre’s 41-13 bonus-point win over Cheetahs.

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