The Scotsman

A timely reminder of the power of the press

The Derek Mackay story demonstrat­es the importance of a strong traditiona­l media, writes John Mclellan


There we all were on Wednesday wondering what tricks SNP finance secretary Derek Mackay would have up his sleeve in the Scottish budget he’d be delivering the following day. The nation held its breath.

At least that’s the impression you would get if you moved in political circles, but of course, the reality is that the vast majority of people don’t care what’s in the Holyrood diary and wouldn’t recognise Mr Mackay in the street if he approached them with a mobile phone in one hand and a choc ice in the other.

And that, it now appears, was what the 42-year-old father of two was banking on as he sent 270 increasing­ly flirtatiou­s messages to a random 16-year-old boy he had spotted on social media.

But the boy’s mother knew who he was and took the informatio­n to the Scottish Sun and by Thursday morning the whole of Scotland knew exactly who, or rather what, the until then “Mr Nice Guy” of Scottish politics actually was. Before the breakfast dishes were washed up, Mr Mackay had resigned and was suspended by the SNP.

If the SNP’S new spin doctorin-chief, ex-daily Record editor Murray Foote, thought the job would be all Tory-bashing and policy-punting then the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s response that Mr Mackay’s behaviour “fell seriously below the standard required of a minister” underlined just how much the SNP needs to learn about crisis management.

The detail of Mr Mackay’s behaviour has been well explored elsewhere, but the role of the Scottish Sun, and indeed the whole of the popular Press, merits further mention.

The very existence of the Redtops provides a vehicle for informatio­n which other publicatio­ns might find sordid, but on this occasion proved completely in the public interest.

I have no way of knowing if the mother in question would have taken the story to The Scotsman or the Times, but she knew the Scottish Sun would be more than interested.

Understand­ing what grabs mass attention is why politician­s are drawn to popular newspaper journalist­s; Alistair Campbell for Tony Blair, Andy Coulson for David Cameron and now Murray Foote for Nicola Sturgeon.

Ironically, the story came on the same day as speculatio­n, in the sniffy Guardian of course, that the Sun was losing its verve was seemingly validated by the announceme­nt of editor Tony Gallagher’s departure for The Times as deputy editor, a move unthinkabl­e when the paper was in its Eighties Kelvin Mackenzie pomp.

The Mackay scoop shows that the Sun, certainly its Scottish edition under Alan Muir, still has what it takes.

But it also demonstrat­es that when it comes to setting a news agenda there isn’t anything quite like a proper Red-top scandal, and that the Press still has the ability to quickly move a story which will topple the powerful in a matter of hours. Mr Mackay was still sending messages to the boy this week, but had this been a BBC investigat­ion it would have taken months to get through the Corporatio­n’s ethical labyrinth.

Such a display of Press power also helps counter the growing belief that in the digital age, mainstream newspapers don’t matter, or somehow they can be by-passed and the public reached through social media alone. But when the excrement hits the air conditioni­ng, as it did on Wednesday night, how can some semblance of control be regained if the lines of communicat­ion have been cut?

Even organisati­ons deemed hostile need to be managed, which is why it was a mistake in 2014 when the SNP excluded the Scottish Daily Mail, Scottish Daily Express and the Daily Telegraph from First Minster Alex Salmond’s resignatio­n announceme­nt after the referendum.

It was also disappoint­ing, to say the least, when Downing Street took a leaf out of that SNP playbook this week by only allowing selected journalist­s into a briefing with chief EU negotiator David Frost about the forthcomin­g trade talks.

The uninvited Parliament­ary Lobby members were ushered back out the door, including all the Scottish Press representa­tives, but the invitees took as much umbrage as the excluded and walked out in solidarity so the wheeze backfired spectacula­rly because whatever Mr Frost had to say remained in his head and the headlines were dominated by the clumsy attempt at media management. Not just newspaper headlines, but the broadcast bulletins, the BBC’S mobile news feed and social media.

All parties quietly brief sympatheti­c journalist­s, and in fairness the SNP learnt from the Salmond episode and hasn’t, to my knowledge, tried that stunt again.

Although regarded as having one of the best social media operations it hasn’t been at the expense of relationsh­ips with mainstream organisati­ons and the SNP understand­s an effective political machine needs both. Indeed, the Scottish Newspaper Society’s annual Westminste­r reception has always been sponsored by an SNP MP, this year once again by Tommy Sheppard.

In London, chief Number 10 adviser Dominic Cummings seems to think otherwise. “In SW1 communicat­ion is generally treated as almost synonymous with ‘talking to the lobby’… With no election for years and huge changes in the digital world, there is a chance and a need to do things very differentl­y,” he wrote in his recent blog. “We do not care about trying to ‘control the narrative’ and all that New Labour junk and this government will not be run by ‘comms grid’.”

Which is fine, but relationsh­ips are still needed and for the Tories in Scotland no more so than now because the 2021 Scottish elections have a Uk-wide significan­ce, and anything which gives news organisati­ons a reason to be negative is pointless, petty and potentiall­y damaging.

The SNP will now make every effort to ignore the very existence of Derek Mackay, and on Thursday morning’s meeting of Edinburgh Council the local SNP leader referred to the Scottish budget being delivered by Public Finance Minister Kate Forbes as if nothing had happened.

Even with polls showing support for independen­ce nudging above 50 per cent, the reality is the SNP is in a mess; its finance minister disgraced, its leader distracted to say the least, its membership agitating for a vote it cannot hold, and its key policy of separation now underpinne­d by an EU policy which would put up a real border across the Cheviots.

As Number 10 plans how it communicat­es with the Scottish public, now is not the time for it to think the Scottish Press doesn’t matter and the Scottish Sun has just shown why. Gotcha.

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