The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Cassandra Nye


21 Mar - 20 Apr

In a romantic week, passions run high. It could be that someone who admires you could go to great lengths to prove their devotion.



It is likely that you will be flattered from an unexpected direction. If this finds you on the back foot, sidestep quickly.



A few tricky moments as your attraction to someone seems to be ignored. You might want to persevere, or hold back until you are sure.



Love is not a competitio­n. Who said that? Sometimes you just have to show your hand to see what the response is. Stay positive.


23 Jul - 22 Aug

So your partner has a special twinkle in their eye. Good. This could mean that they want to take your romance to a higher place?


23 Aug - 21 Sep

More than one attraction pulls on your heartstrin­gs. So, will you be spoilt for choice? The chances are you have made up your mind.



Keep a loved one close and make them feel special. There is now the chance to make an existing relationsh­ip much stronger.


23 Oct - 21 Nov

A slow warming to a friend could now turn into a burning love. This could cause complicati­ons with a current situation.


22Nov-21dec Incredibly, you seem to be on the brink of changing a relationsh­ip simply because you are unsure. Keep any future plans to yourself.



A moment of passion could throw a spanner in the works. Leading up to that is an offer or propositio­n that makes the head spin.


21 Jan - 18 Feb

A break in the clouds over a relationsh­ip gives you a chance. Will you be willing to throw everything in to a romance or just turn away?


19Feb-20mar Opposition to a strong feeling seems to be useless. Is fate playing a hand with your emotions? Don’t rush into something you are not sure of. ■

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