The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Cassandra Nye


21 Mar - 20 Apr Energy and incentives are growing fast. In part, this is because of a recent discovery affecting your love life. Concentrat­e on work.



Don’t really feel like talking? Fine. Take a step back rather than do or say something rash. A few days out of the loop can work wonders.



A certain amount of trivial rubbish seems to be stacking up. These are not obligation­s to sort out but weak attempts to slow you down.


21Jun-22jul Surprising revelation­s from someone close seem unreal. Have you maybe not been paying attention? Get a grip on work matters.


23 Jul - 22 Aug

Been working too hard? A little light relief would seem well overdue. Prepare to indulge a whim. Midweek sees a clearer picture of your finances.


23 Aug - 21 Sep

Why continue to build up all that energy when you know that you really want to let it go? Getting out with friends brings more of a balance.



You refuse to be tied down in your ambitions. Being free to follow your own path is more important than ever to you. Go for it.


23 Oct - 21 Nov Although you want to keep on a roll this week, do make time for some fun. Remember that those around you are not necessaril­y workaholic­s.


22Nov-21dec Progress on a plan or negotiatio­n may be slow. However, it does give you time to think twice about some aspects.


22Dec-20jan When things get really busy, you are reluctant to take a break. Even so, you need rest as much as anyone else. It’s time to find a soul mate.


21 Jan - 18 Feb

Aim for a good mix of work and play this week. If you keep pushing yourself, it could be very tiring and muddling. Be open to opportunit­ies.



With a lot on your mind, you would prefer to just come out and say how you see it. For best results, temper that with a bit of kindness. ■

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