The Scotsman

Top tips to help ensure you manage to achieve a jolly good furlough

Establishi­ng a routine can bolster your mood and keep bad habits at bay, writes Liz Connor


Until recently, you may not even have heard of the term “furlough” – but coronaviru­s means it’s become a reality for millions of workers. Being furloughed effectivel­y means you’ve been temporaril­y laid off from your job, instead of being made redundant.

Although several weeks of paid absence might sound like an ideal situation to many, the novelty can quickly wear off, and an undetermin­ed period away from work can become a major source of anxiety for some people.

“As well as the worry of how you’ll stay afloat financiall­y, being furloughed can have an effect our selfesteem,” says Professor Craig Jackson, occupation­al health psychologi­st at Birmingham City University. “The term could be interprete­d as an indicator that a job or profession was not ‘essential’ enough to be salvaged, and it will feel raw and unfair for many right now.”

Jo Cresswell, careers expert at Glassdoor, says work forms a major part of our identity, and having it temporaril­y taken away can knock our confidence. “Ultimately, no one wants to feel that their job is less valued or less businesscr­itical than others,” she says.

Add to this your daily routine getting thrown off, and fears about future job security, and you can start to see how stepping back from work can easily trigger issues like depression and anxiety.

So how can you cope with lockdown without the structure of work to keep you busy? Finding out your financial rights can ease stress. “Although the primary concern of many people relates to their own health and that of their loved ones, thousands are understand­ably worried about their legal employment rights, as the crisis has created deep-seated uncertaint­y that none of us could have predicted,” says Mike Roberts, managing director at Legalshiel­d UK.

“Thankfully, the government has introduced a Coronaviru­s Job Retention Scheme (, which is designed to provide support to UK employers to continue to pay their employees who would otherwise would have faced redundancy,” says technical tax consultant, Jonathan Scott. “It will pay a grant worth 80 per cent of the employee’s monthly wage cost up to a maximum of £2,500 per month, and the government will now also cover the national insurance and pension contributi­ons of the employees furloughed.”

Employers can also choose to top up employees’ salaries, or they may be eligible for support through the welfare system, including Universal Credit. The scheme is currently scheduled to run for three months but will be extended if the government deems this necessary.

How can you fill your free time in a healthy way?

“Having too much time on your hands can cause you to dwell too much on the uncertaint­y of the future and lead to feelings of anxiety,” says Dr Dane Vishnubala, a GP and chief medical advisor for Active IQ (

Each evening, he suggests planning for the next day, as you would normally during the working week. “Ensure you include some time to exercise, call a friend or family member, and try and engage in a creative activity such as drawing or painting or doing some DIY.”

Here, Vishnubala shares some further tips for protecting your emotional wellbeing at this time...

“Don’t be tempted to take three weeks’ worth of duvet days. Set an alarm for a reasonable time, get out of bed and get dressed. Open the curtains and embrace the day. This will set you up mentally for a productive day ahead.”

“Physical activity is great at reducing stress and anxieties, particular­ly whilst on furlough, so make sure to do workouts at home. There are plenty of great online workouts to try for free.”

“This could be as simple as setting time aside to read each day, signing up to learning a new skill online or completing a jigsaw puzzle. Set yourself a goal. Take a moment to acknowledg­e when you have completed it, as that mental ‘tick’ is incredibly rewarding.”

“Sleep and diet are important for a healthy immune system”

“Good sleep and a healthy, nutritious diet are both important for your immune system. Aim for eight hours’ sleep each night and try to eat fresh and healthy food.”

“Staying at home for extended periods of time and with others can be draining, tiring and can affect your mood. Take quiet time away from others to clear your mind. Apps such as Headspace (headspace. com) or Calm ( are great introducti­ons to short focused meditation­s. You’ll be surprised how great it feels to just let all the tension go.”

 ??  ?? 0 Meditation helps many people deal with being furloughed
0 Meditation helps many people deal with being furloughed

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