The Scotsman

Double dealing?


Mostbritis­hcivilians­assumed the war in Europe was over when they heard the Lunenburg Heath ceremony on the BBC in which Field Marshall Montgomery accepted the surrender of the representa­tive of the new Fuehrer, Admiral Doenitz, at 18:30 on 4 May, 1945.

The US and Russia were furious and insisted another surrender take place. The day chosen was 8 May (President Truman’s birthday). Churchill agreed, so in a second ceremony in Berlin, poor old Field Marshall Keitel was trotted out to surrender again.

It became a total shambles when a midnight cease fire was chosen – 1am on 9 May in Russia. So the USSR continued to celebrate 9 May as VE Day until the Berlin Wall came down –but I suspect so much beer was consumed no-one minded.


Howard Place, St Andrews

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