The Scotsman

In this together


David Mcewan Hill (Letters, 11 May) disputes calling “the four nations of the UK” “the country”. This is based upon a

mistaken notion Scotland is, somehow, not part of the entity called the United Kingdom. Like it or not, however, it is and has been for over 300 years. We also decided to remain British emphatical­ly in 2014.

As to the EU that he wants to supplicate to on bended knee, the last timei looked it was every man for himself over there, so there is nothing to be gained by giving up independen­ce to be told what to do by Brussels and have your government changed without a “by your leave”. Moreover, we left after a democratic referendum on the subject. QED. In addition, the 51st Highland Division, fighting with the French Army was not “left behind” and was not just Scottish. Rather than being “left behind”, the Royal Navy was sent to rescue them, but they were not at the beaches when the Navy arrived. Seizure of the cliffs overlookin­g the beaches later by the Germans made rescue impossible and they had to surrender when the French they were supporting surrendere­d. The Free French he claims they fought on with were actually based in Britain thereafter under De Gaulle. That event of collective British action is rather more recent than fighting the English with Joan of Arc. Affection for France ended when Scottish troops, with English assistance, threw French troops out of Scotland in 1560. The French, then and now, are only out for what they can get, like control of our fishing grounds.

ANDREW HN GRAY Craiglea Drive, Edinburgh

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