The Scotsman

Tory linesman,

Douglas Ross MP is in the good books with Kevan Christie after putting ‘Craven Carlaw’ to shame over Dominic Cummings


Ihave a friend and colleague at work who regularly asks me why I hate Scotland? We sat together for a couple of years like the odd couple with this lover of all things Gaelic and folk being forced to listen as I declared that such and such a Scottish person of note was going on ‘the list’. And not in a good way. Elaine C Smith, Alan Cumming, Annie Lennox, Pat Kane, (Sir) Chris Hoy, Lulu and Mark Beaumont?... to name but a few. Get them on ‘the list’.

Emerging talent you say – that Lewis Capaldi bloke? For it is written and on the list he must go.

Now I know this says everything you need to know about my entirely irrational state of mind and I take no pride in having done down some of Scotland’s finest on a made-up list.

“Hit the deck and give me 20, Christie.”

A long-time sufferer of the Scottish cringe, I despair when someone famous like Barack Obama lands on these shores and the best our journos can do is ask him if he’s tried the haggis, drank Irn-bru or played a round of golf.

“The haggis – have you tried the haggis, Mr Obama?... HAGGIS, Barack! Barack! – whit aboot the haggis? Try the haggis – just try it... right.”

However, I was proud to call myself half-scottish this week dear readers and the source of this new found national pride was a Tory football lino (linesman in old money or should that be assistant referee?) and former dairyman, Douglas Ross MP.

Now I apologise in advance for the fitba’ puns but it looked to me that rather than “take one for the team” in terms of defending Dominic Cummings – now there’s a name you’ll always tire of hearing – and his “Classic Dom” behaviour, the Good Lino told them to “shove their team up their a***”. “Go on my son – put it in the mixer!”

I got a bit dewy-eyed as Ross put out his statement stating that his

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 ??  ?? 0 Douglas Ross, MP and assistant referee, takes a tumble at Hampden Park but
0 Douglas Ross, MP and assistant referee, takes a tumble at Hampden Park but

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