The Scotsman

Time to take a bow Sir!


“one priority” was to “stand up for the people of Moray”. Well I tell you – Moray and his people are proud of you for standing up, Sir. Take a bow. Now stand up straight, my good man.

No less a figure than Scottish Labour stalwart and staunch Hertz fan Ian Murray applauded him as opposed to chucking a Scotch pie towards the back of his head, in scenes not witnessed since Sir Winston Churchill formed a war-time coalition with Labour’s Clement Attlee.

How fitting of Ross to channel his inner Robin Cook, another principled Scottish politician, who refused to tow the party line over Blair’s shameful use of flimsy intelligen­ce to take us to war with Iraq.

I compare and contrast the Good Lino’s decision to that taken by 17th century highwayman and leader of the Scottish Conservati­ves Jackson Carlaw.

Craven Carlaw, as he’s now being called in political circles in Crossgates, initially said the matter of Classic Dom resigning was one for Mr Johnson to decide to the sound of bottles crashing in the back, middle and foreground­s.

He quickly changed his mind and bottled it again by then saying Classic Dom should “consider his position” after coming under pressure from his own MSPS following the Good Lino’s resignatio­n from his job as Scottish Office Minister.

I don’t think Jackson has much to worry about though as Cummings doesn’t go further north than Durham and most likely hasn’t heard of him. (Ouch – that’s gotta hurt.)

All of this is a wee shame for the Scottish Tories or Scories if you like as Craven Carlaw was starting to look like he might have been able to lay a tiny little velvet glove on Nicola Sturgeon over the Nike conference contact-tracing debacle and the care homes “national scandal”.

Alas for him, it is not to be – he’s ballooned the ball over the bar with the goal gaping and the public now have him down as a big fearty despite being on the money over the Scottish Government’s decision to allow older people back to care homes from hospital without a coronaviru­s test.

After last week’s column, in which I called the perception the Scottish Government had handled the pandemic well one of the biggest PR con jobs of all time, it was refreshing to see Oor Nicola trending again on Twitter as I hurdled the bags of fan mail to hear her clear and concise instructio­ns for Scotland coming out of lockdown, which with the benefit of ‘hindsight’ given the last week at Westminste­r has been much needed.

The contrast between Sturgeon welcoming an inquiry into decisions taken around care homes and alluding to the possibilit­y she would have taken a different course of action is the polar opposite of Boris Johnson sticking up for that toerag Cummings.

Disowned Scottish person Michael Gove had gone stir crazy by the time he appeared on LBC radio after a day defending Classic Dom by saying he too had driven to test his eyesight and struggled to contain his laughter at the drivel coming out of his own mouth.

And it’s understand­able why people are talking about Scottish national pride compared to the sight of Matt Hancock chortling as Kay Burley grilled him over a Test and Trace policy designed to save lives.

At this rate I can’t see Bojo seeing out his term as a lame-duck PM. He lives to be liked and this is definitely not how it was supposed to pan out for the self-proclaimed World King.

Right, my work is done here and I’m heading to Dobbies at the Fife Retail Park which has now reopened.

There is a light that never goes out.

 ??  ?? he should take a bow for his resignatio­n from the UK Government over the Dominic Cummings affair
he should take a bow for his resignatio­n from the UK Government over the Dominic Cummings affair

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