The Scotsman

Gabrielle Fagan

- Photograph­y priced

Exercise is definitely a fun family affair in the Whitlock household right now. Double Olympic gold medallist Max is practising his gymnastic routines using the sofa, while his wife Leah chases after their one-year-old daughter Willow, who’s trying to copy Daddy’s moves.

He’s been posting these living-room workouts, filmed at his Essex home, to encourage people to stay fit during isolation – and they’ve become a social media hit. “I think Willow’s a big reason people love them,” Whitlock says.

Chatty and charming Whitlock, who’s enjoyed huge success (he’s a three-times world champion and ranked number one in the world), would normally have been competing in the British trials for Tokyo 2020. But due to the pandemic, all events have been cancelled.

Instead, he’s putting his efforts into trying to help boost “people’s mental and physical wellbeing while they’re housebound” and promoting his new book – The Whitlock Workout: Get Fit And Healthy In Minutes.

It’s packed with workout routines, nutrition tips and recipes, and advice on getting fitter.

“I’m really passionate about wanting to show people that just a little time every day can really make a difference to health and fitness,” says Whitlock, 27.

“I just think it’s so sad that so many people get out of breath climbing stairs, or can’t play a game of football with their kids,” he adds. “These are exercises for everyone, which can easily be integrated into your life, don’t require expensive kit or a gym membership, and could really help people move and feel better.”

What’s your biggest achievemen­t? “When I first held Willow, it was the proudest moment of my life, along with my wedding day. Forget winning Olympic and world titles. Results are so important to me – gym is what I’ve done since I was seven years old – but having a child is like nothing else and the feeling is crazy.

“I’m so excited about showing her the world and what I do, and I really wanted to be a young dad so she can see and remember me competing live and not just have to watch it back on videos years afterwards.”

How do you find combining fatherhood with your sporting career?

“Parenthood’s been pretty mad and full-on. Leah and I are both fairly young and it feels surreal to think we’re parents. As first-timers, we’ve

Max Whitlock, main; with his daughter Willow, above

The Whitlock Workout: Get Fit And Healthy In Minutes by Max Whitlock,

by Dan Jones, is published by Headline Home,

£20 had to work it all out as we’ve gone along. Every small thing in Willow’s developmen­t seems like the biggest thing in the world to us.

“We’re so lucky Willow’s a superhappy, easy-going little girl and she’s inherited my love of sleep. I had three competitio­ns and a major event within her first month and she’s been here, there and everywhere with us and taken it in her stride.

“Having her has given Leah and me a perspectiv­e about what’s really important, and that’s had a hugely beneficial effect on my gymnastics. It’s taken the pressure off because even if a session doesn’t quite go right, I know Leah and Willow are at home to make it all better.”

What does Leah mean to you? “Everything. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. We first met when I was 12 and moved to the same club as her, South Essex Gymnastics Club. I’ve gained a newfound respect for her since she had our daughter. Seeing her go through labour was one of the

How do you look after your health? “I learnt so much from getting glandular fever in 2015, only a year away from the Olympic Games, when I literally went from being the fittest I’d ever been to it all deteriorat­ing within a week. It lasted three months and I literally had to step back from the sport and rest, which was tough but a blessing in disguise. It forced me to really start listening to my body and, in doing that, hopefully lengthen my career.

“Since then I’ve changed to training smarter. Now it’s about quality sessions, rather than focusing on quantity. I’m doing around 25 hours a week – 15 hours less than I was doing five years ago – because I can’t put the same demands on my body that I did when I was younger. ”

How do you look after your wellbeing?

“It’s all too easy to feel unhappy or down a lot if you’re only focused on one thing. It’s so intense and I’ve seen athletes devote every waking hour to training and not even take holidays. Balance is at the heart of my ethos and doing everything in moderation.

“Of course, I’m passionate about my sporting career but Leah and I also run our business, Max Whitlock Gymnastics, which is really fulfilling, and I love our family time with her and Willow.” ■

“I’mdoingarou­nd25hoursa­week–15 hourslesst­haniwasdoi­ngfiveyear­sago”

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