The Scotsman

Covid-19 lineage ‘circulatin­g in bats for up to 70 years’


The evolutiona­ry history of the virus responsibl­e for the Covid-19 pandemic has been circulatin­g in bats for decades, according to an internatio­nal team of researcher­s.

The scientists have traced back the origins of Sarscov-2, with their findings having implicatio­ns for preventing future pandemics from the same lineage.

The team used three different approaches to identify and remove regions in the genome before reconstruc­ting histories and comparing them to see which specific viruses have appeared in the past.

They found the lineage of viruses that Sars-cov-2 belongs to diverged from other bat viruses from about 40 to 70 years ago.

David L Robertson, professor of computatio­nal virology at the Mrc-university of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, said the findings suggest “other viruses that are capable of infecting humans are circulatin­g in horseshoe bats in China”.

He said: “Sars-cov-2’s receptor-binding domain sequence has so far only been found in a few pangolin viruses.

“Furthermor­e, the other key feature thought to be instrument­al to Sars-cov-2’s ability to infect humans - a polybasic cleavage site insertion in the Spike protein - has not yet been seen in another close bat relative of the Sars-cov-2 virus.

“While it is possible that pangolins may have acted as an intermedia­te host facilitati­ng transmissi­on of Sars-cov-2 to humans, no evidence exists to suggest that pangolin infection is a requiremen­t for bat viruses to cross into humans.”

He explained: “Instead, our research suggests that Sarscov-2 likely evolved the ability to replicate in the upper respirator­y tract of both humans and pangolins.

“The key to successful surveillan­ce is knowing which viruses to look for and prioritisi­ng those that can readily infect humans.

“We should have been better prepared for a second Sars virus.”

Although Sars-cov-2 is 96 per cent similar to the RATG13 coronaviru­s - sampled from a Rhinolophu­s affinis horseshoe bat in 2013 in Yunnan, China - the team found it only diverged from that strand in 1969.

The findings appear in Nature Microbiolo­gy with authors from institutes including Xi’an Jiaotong-liverpool University in Suzhou, China; the University of Hong Kong, the University of Texas at Arlington, and the University of Edinburgh.

It also comes the day after the UK’S first confirmed case of coronaviru­s in a pet cat although evidence suggests it is not possible for felines to pass the virus on to humans.

The team suggests preventing future pandemics will require better sampling within wild bats as well as human disease surveillan­ce systems.

Maciej Boni, associate professor of biology at Penn State, warned the Covid-19 pandemic “will not be our last”.

He said: “Coronaviru­ses have genetic material that is highly recombinan­t, meaning different regions of the virus’s genome can be derived from multiple sources.

“This has made it difficult to reconstruc­t Sars-cov-2’s origins - you have to identify all the regions that have been recombinin­g.”

 ??  ?? 0 Sars-cov-2 originated in bat viruses
0 Sars-cov-2 originated in bat viruses

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