The Scotsman

Killjoy Boris


Because from Day One of the coronaviru­s pandemic I have ticked almost every box of the “shielding” requiremen­ts, apart from scheduled monthly visits to the doctor’s surgery, I have only been able to leave my house for short walks for exercise purposes – weather permitting. My wife and I were even obliged to cancel our planned annual trip to visit our daughter on Majorca.

So last Saturday, taking advantage of the recent easing of restrictio­ns, we joined the rest of the family at our local farm shop and eatery for a celebrator­y blow-out! Not exactly in line with our leader Boris Johnson’s exhortatio­ns about diet and, even though I actually agree with him, his timing could have been a lot better.

Yes, we should be more careful about our diets. Despite all the medical advice we are becoming a nation of overweight­ers and there are associated (competing) pandemics of diabetes and heart disease which, allegedly, are partially the result of our love affair with fast-food carry-outs.

However, the saying that “a little of what you fancy does you good” is also currently relevant. Although it’s probably premature to follow Churchill’s immediate post-war ruling that “we may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing,” the public has endured a lot during the past six months and Boris’s timing could have been better.

Please, Boris, don’t be such a killjoy!

ROBIN WHIKE Craigmount Park, Edinburgh

for Princess Diana, it became a death sentence when she tried to escape from the photograph­ers pursuing her like a pack of hungry wolves.

The public have a tendency to abide by the expression Cherchez la femme because this attitude is prevalent in any scandal involving a woman.

Prince Harry found happiness with Meghan, but he’s paying for it by having to relive the intense scrutiny and hounding of his mother, now concentrat­ed on his wife. All the wealth and privilege of royal status are not enough to heal the old wounds of a bereaved son.

CAROLYN TAYLOR Broughty Ferry, Dundee

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