The Scotsman



something which they’re going to have to knuckle down to and get done if they want an independen­t Scotland – have been dumped, and instead they’re spending their time and effort on this.

flags and banners This is probably the most dangerous piece of legislatio­n ever to appear in Scotland, if not the whole world. It is simply removing the current blasphemy law and replacing it with one even more stringent. It truly is dangerous. We must reject Yousaf ’s hate crime laws and his desire to stifle the people and control Scotland with it.


Will Holyrood never listen to advice from those who are in a position of expertise and know a lot more in those fields than the FM and Yousaf?

Anne Mackie

“I want to be really blunt with people – I wouldn’t be booking a foreign holiday right now, I would be choosing to spend it here in Scotland,” the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, stated at a briefing yesterday.

Not a supporter of her party but she’s doing a great job with this terrible situation.

Sarah Clark

Swinney was pathetic at the briefing, dither, delay, fear, dither, delay fear, fear to make an informed decision.

Derek Mcleod

Ah, here we go again: ‘Not ruling anything out’. Possibly.

Paul Johnston

It’s called having a flexible approach. You should try it now and then.

Darren Ward

Aye, she is more or less copying everything that Boris and his crew did.

Colin Morrison

The wheels are falling off the Covid hoax. Not many folk believe it any more...

Ian Mcculloch

More fool them.

Linda Martin In Nicola we trust. Scotland is in safe hands.

Bill Brodie

No new Covid-19 deaths in Scotland for 12 days running. Superb news.

David Richardson

Does she even know the situation in Spain or just following Johnson? Have either of them spoken to the Spanish authoritie­s on what’s happening there? It’s just a knee-jerk reaction instead of leadership from both Westminste­r and Holyrood.

Ian Munro Try doing some reading outside of purely Scottish news and the answers are all there.

Eileen Beesley

Most of Spain apart from Catalonia has incidence rates much lower than England; that includes the Canaries and Balearics.

Murray Hutchison

Any one here want her job since you’re the ones who know better; are you a scientist? Let us all know how to kill Covid.

Thomas Campbell

Already the resident SNP bad epidemiolo­gists are out in force. Like their political representa­tives they offer no solutions.

Norrie Crichton

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