The Scotsman

British Gymnastics stands by process after Tinkler criticism


British Gymnastics has defended its procedures after Amy Tinkler criticised the governing body over the time taken to deal with her complaint over a bullying and abuse culture in the sport.

Tinkler said earlier this month her “experience­s as a club and elite gymnast”, and the subsequent failure of British Gymnastics to act on her complaint, led her to announce her retirement in January.

The 20-year-old said she had no option but to quit gymnastics less than four years after becoming Great Britain’s youngest medallist at the Rio 2016 Olympics. “I can confirm that the complaint I submitted in December 2019 related to my experience at South Durham Gymnastics Club and against part of the British Gymnastics coaching team,” Tinkler wrote on social media yesterday.

“I’ve also been chasing British Gymnastics for a timeline on their investigat­ion into my complaint. I understand it could still take 4-months or more to reach a conclusion, making it nearly 12-months from my original complaint.

“I’m unhappy at the length of time this is taking as it leaves vulnerable gymnasts at risk of abuse from known clubs and coaches. I beg British Gymnastics to move swifter and take proactive action about our complaints.”

However, British Gymnastics said in a statement: “We have been in regular touch with Amy Tinkler and her mother throughout this process. It is wrong to suggest otherwise.

“An initial summary of the complaint was made in late December 2019. Full evidence was provided in mid-march 2020. As we have already advised Amy and her family, the investigat­ion phase is now complete and we have moved to the next stage of procedures.

“To be clear, every complaint is looked at in accordance with our procedures by our Integrity Unit to assess immediate risk to gymnasts.

“If the evidence available at the time of the initial complaint suggests an immediate risk of harm to gymnasts, we take immediate action to protect gymnasts.

“The procedures are in place to protect the integrity of the process and ensure fairness for all parties involved.”

 ??  ?? 0 Amy Tinkler: Made complaint over bullying and abuse culture.
0 Amy Tinkler: Made complaint over bullying and abuse culture.

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