The Scotsman

Plea for ‘Covid odour’ samples to establish if dogs can sniff out virus

● If successful trial will be a ‘game changer’ in how coronaviru­s is detected


People with mild coronaviru­s symptoms are being encouraged to participat­e in a trial which aims to see whether dogs can sniff out Covid-19.

Testing has begun to see whether medical detection dogs can also be trained to smell the disease.

Scientists are seeking “odour samples” from people in the region to see whether dogs can accurately pick up the scent of coronaviru­s, even in people who are asymptomat­ic.

There could be huge implicatio­ns if the dogs can successful­ly smell out Covid-19, not just in medical settings but in other sectors of society too, with researcher­s estimating the animals could potentiall­y screen up to 250 people an hour.

As part of the trial, led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in collaborat­ion with the charity Medical Detection Dogs and Durham University, people in the North West of England - where there has been a recent rise in cases - are being asked to contribute.

Patients who have mild symptoms and are due to have a swab test, or have had a swab test conducted in the previous 24 hours, are being recruited by researcher­s.

The volunteers will provide samples of breath and body odour by wearing a mask for three hours, and nylon socks and a T-shirt for 12 hours.

Researcher­s hope to collect 325 positive and 675 negative samples in order to fully test the dogs for accuracy.

Samples from NHS volunteers and their families are also being collected.

LSHTM researcher­s will analyse the samples to identify compounds in odour that signify when someone is infected with Covid-19.

The samples will then be sent to the Medical Detection Dogs’ training centre in Milton Keynes where the animals will undergo training to identify the virus samples.

“If successful, this trial could revolution­ise how we diagnose the virus,” professor James Logan, project lead and head of the Department of Disease Control at LSHTM, said.

“Rapid screening of high numbers of people, even if asymptomat­ic, will help return our lives back to some sort of normality.”

It is hoped that if the trial is successful the dogs can be used at UK airports to screen people arriving from abroad.

Claire Guest, chief executive of Medical Detection Dogs, added: “It is vital that we train our dogs to detect the odour of Covid-19 as soon as possible so we can help ensure people move about freely and safely.

“The latest travel disruption­s further highlight the difference the dogs could make. Public support is essential in making this possible.

“Anyone who assists us by providing samples will be playing a part in creating a fast, effective and non-invasive diagnosis for the virus and safer spaces for us all.”

Professor Steve Lindsay, from the Department of Bioscience­s at Durham University, said: “If we can show that our trained dogs can identify people carrying the virus, but who are not sick, it will be a game changer.”

 ??  ?? 0 People in the north-west of England have been asked to provide ‘odour samples’ to see if animals from Medical Detection Dogs can smell the virus
0 People in the north-west of England have been asked to provide ‘odour samples’ to see if animals from Medical Detection Dogs can smell the virus

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