The Scotsman

Beirut residents vent their anger but Macron promises solutions

● Crowds chant for ‘revolution’ as aid starts to arrive after deadly explosion


of Beirut vented their fury at Lebanon’s leaders during a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday, blaming them for the deadly explosion that ravaged the capital.

Shouting, “Revolution!” they crowded around the visiting leader who promised to press the politician­s for reform.

A military judge leading the investigat­ion into Tuesday’s blast said 16 employees of Beirut’s port, where the explosion took place, had been detained. He said 18 had been questioned, including port and customs officials, according to the state news agency.

But while investigat­ors focus on port officials, many Lebanese put the blame squarely on the political elite and the corruption and mismanagem­ent that even before the dismated aster had pushed the country to the brink of economic collapse.

The cabinet was previously warned by a security agency that a stockpile of explosive chemicals stored at the port was dangerous, Lebanon’s customs chief said raising questions of high-level neglect.

That stockpile of 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate set off the massive blast, apparently when touched off by a fire at the port.

The chemical had been left sitting in a warehouse ever since it was confiscate­d from an impounded cargo ship in 2013.

The explosion, powerful enough to be felt in Cyprus across the Eastern Mediterran­ean, killed more than 130 people, wounded thousands and blasted buildings for miles around.

Two days later, some 300,000 people – more than 12 per cent of Beirut’s population – can’t return to their homes, officials estimate. Damaged hospitals are still struggling to deal with the wounded. Dozens are still missing. Officials have estireside­nts losses at £12 billion. Furthermor­e, the disaster struck at a time when people’s savings have melted away, and unemployme­nt and poverty have mounted in the financial crisis. Few have capacity to rebuild homes and businesses, and the government is scraping for dollars.

Emergency aid was starting to come into Lebanon yesterday, with European, Arab and Asian countries sending doctors, medical supplies or field hospitals. Britain is sending a Royal Navy ship from Cyprus to help the city recover and has pledged a £5 million humanitari­an support package.

After talks with Lebanese leaders, France’s Macron announced his country will organise a conference in the next few days with European, American, Middle Eastern and other donors to raise money for food, medicine, housing and other urgent aid.

But he warned Lebanon’s political elite that he wouldn’t give “blank checks to a system that no longer has the trust of its people”. He called on them to create a “new political order”.

He promised a “clear and transparen­t governance” so that the aid goes directly to the population and aid groups.

In startling scenes, Macron whose country once was Lebanon’s colonial ruler – presented himself as a champion for the Lebanese to push change on their leadership.

After visiting the devastated port, Macron walked through one of the worst-hit neighbourh­oods, Gemmayzeh, down a street lined with wrecked buildings. On the narrow street, a crowd gathered around him and shouted their anger, chanting, “Revolution!” and “The people want to bring down the regime!” – slogans used at protests last year.

Macron told them he would propose “a new political pact” when he met the government later and added: “I will be back on the first of September and if they can’t do it, I will keep my responsibi­lity toward you.”

He also promised that French aid would be given out with transparen­cy and “will not go into the hands of corruption.”

 ?? PICTURE: THIBAULT CAMUS/AP ?? 0 A soldier walks at the devastated site of the explosion in the port of Beirut in Lebanon, where 300,000 people are now homeless
PICTURE: THIBAULT CAMUS/AP 0 A soldier walks at the devastated site of the explosion in the port of Beirut in Lebanon, where 300,000 people are now homeless
 ??  ?? 0 Emmanuel Macron promised to deliver aid where it is needed
0 Emmanuel Macron promised to deliver aid where it is needed

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