The Scotsman

Dirty campers


We need to tackle ‘dirty campers’, with growing complaints of Scotland’s beauty spots desecrated and beaches devastated, says Kenny Macaskill.

When I see this I ask myself where have all our civilised norms gone. Sad, so sad.

Marlene St John Ayre The tents in the pictures look as if they’re quite decent tents. If they’re in good condition could they not taken down and given to Scout or youth groups who could use them? Just a thought.

Ralph Scott This is not wild camping. It’s vandalism and should be covered by current legislatio­n. Some CCTV cameras can’t be that expensive? Those of us who’ve loved the outdoors and continue to be sensible ‘leave no trace take only photos’ are not included.

Judith Barron

Where would you put CCTV cameras in the hundreds of miles of countrysid­e? Fair enough, it could be done at hotspots, but that leaves a huge expanse of unpoliceab­le land.

Elizabeth Jack

I’d take the tents, clean them and sell them on. Money goes to charity. Or better still, hand them to the charities.

Stephen Stewart

Hit them in the pocket!

Peter Kavanagh

Guarantee it’s Generation

Z – spoilt and don’t give a toss about anybody but themselves!

Jeff Barrington I don’t get the fact they leave the tents. They are not cheap to buy. As a wild camper I personally get fed up picking up after others. But I love camping in my own country and want to be able to carry on doing it. Makes me so angry.

Denise Robson Just can’t stand the mess, the damage to the trees, the burn marks on the ground, the lack of respect. Those have now spoilt it for everyone else.

Julie Miller These people need fined, and not just a couple of pounds. It is absolutely disgusting the way they are treating our country.

Sue Plant

Sorriest bunch ever! These low lifes that trash beautiful areas need to be fined heavily and made to clean it.

Betty Byrd

The Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC) is not fit for purpose. It needs a re-draft with far clearer, unambiguou­s rules. We also need improvemen­ts to infrastruc­ture. Until this is sorted there should be a complete ban on wild camping.

Robert Milne

OMG this is disgusting.

Jen Nelson

Same problem in the States, too and painting over it. Soon they will catch them in the act.

Alan Brown People that do this will cause wild camping to be banned in Scotland and then be the first to complain.

Iain Brown I am in favour of true wild camping but I agree that a licence of some sort should be bought in order to to be allowed to do this. Wild camping does not mean pitching your tent in a public park. The mess left in Skye is, on occasion, horrendous. from hospital without checking for Covid symptons and putting them into care homes.

Grumpy If she thinks it is complicate­d in a relatively small city then she is clearly out of her depth in charge of tracing for all of Scotland.


Poor old Jeane, OBE, former Labour Party member and Communist, wholly out of her depth in health and everywhere else, really. She finds everything ‘complicate­d’.


Those who insist in visiting pubs should only be allowed to visit one and be served no more than two drinks. Surely there is some app which can be used to sign into the pub and show up if they try to visit a further one.

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