The Scotsman

Dons chief Cormack: It’s a bitter blow



emerged earlier this week.

All bars, cafes and restaurant­s in Aberdeen have now been ordered to close by the Scottish Government. People have been told not to visit the city and those living there have been told not to travel more than five miles. There had already been some doubt about tomorrow’s game going ahead before fresh details started emerging from the Pittodrie club yesterday. Chairman Cormack could not hide his disappoint­ment. “After Saturday’s game (v Rangers), with all eyes on Pittodrie, we were once again commended on the stringent processes and measures we had in place,” he said in a statement released last night.

“Given the efforts of everyone at the club and our investment in protecting our most valuable assets, this is a bitter blow.

“With two first-team players testing positive for Covid-19, plus six others having to isolate for 14 days, it is also a harsh reminder of the severity and speed of spread of this virus.

“The club will be carrying out a full investigat­ion but, as an immediate first step, we have reinforced the club’s Covid-19 protocols and the governing bodies’ guidance with every player and member of staff and will continue to regularly educate and remind everyone of what is, and what is not, acceptable in the current climate.

“We now have to focus on preparing for Saturday’s game under extremely difficult circumstan­ces.”

Aberdeen are particular­ly short on attacking options. Cosgrove is out for up to three months with a hamstring problem. Fellow striker Curtis Main also missed the opening game of the season with injury.

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