The Scotsman

Tracers failed to contact 700 Scots in quarantine


Coronaviru­s tracers have failed to contact almost 700 Scots who should be quarantini­ng after overseas trips, and fewer than 20 cases have been passed to police, according to figures from Public Health Scotland.

The data shows that, of the 36,826 Scots who should have self-isolated after visiting higher risk countries, staff at the National Contact Tracing Centre attempted to get in touch with 3,614.

There were 686 cases where the teams were unable to contact the person, the figures showed.

Separate figures from Police Scotland showed the force has received only 19 reports from Public Health Scotland regarding travel regulation­s.

Liberal Democrat health spokesman Alex Colehamilt­on called on the Scottish Government to explain the “glaring gaps” in the figures.

Mr Cole-hamilton said health secretary Jeane Freeman should “urgently clarify” the issue.

He said: “People will be rightly puzzled at the glaring gaps in the numbers when it comes to quarantine orders for those coming in from higher risk countries.

“Public Health Scotland have recorded almost 700 people that couldn’t be tracked down but only 19 referrals were made to Police Scotland.

“If contact tracers can’t find people, do they just give up? The public need to have confidence in this system and the strength of our measures to catch cases coming in from abroad.

“If the system is lapsing in any area, people will be vulnerable. The health secretary needs to urgently clarify this process.”

A Scottish Government spokeswoma­n said: “Public Health Scotland contact 100% of people who are required to quarantine by email and then follow up a random sample of these through telephone calls to establish if they need any informatio­n, guidance or other support.

“We have previously said that Public Health Scotland would make contact with around 20% of travellers, up to a maximum of 450 per week – which is considered to be a suitable and robust sample size.

“We are currently exceeding that figure with around 600 contacts per week.

“If the National Contact Tracing Centre is unable to make contact with an individual following a number of attempts, then their details are passed to Police Scotland who will continue with the follow-up process.”

 ??  ?? event to an assembled audience since the start of lockdown in the form of a darts contest
event to an assembled audience since the start of lockdown in the form of a darts contest
 ??  ?? 0 Alex Cole-hamilton: ‘People will be puzzled’
0 Alex Cole-hamilton: ‘People will be puzzled’

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