The Scotsman

Anderton to lead R& A push for inclusivit­y


Phil Anderton, the former chief executive of Hearts and t he S cottish Rugby Union, has been appointed chief developmen­t officer by the R& A and will seek to make golf more inclusive.

The experience­d Andert on has held a number of key jobs in a variety of sports and has a reputation a s a moderniser.

He earned t h e n i c k - name “Fire - works Phil” duri ng his t i me at t he SRU for introducin­g spectacul a r pyrot e c hnics i nt o the pre- match entertainm­ent. He then worked for Hearts during the early, rollercoas­ter days of the Vladimir Romanov era.

He also has experience in tennis with the ATP Tour.

Anderton’s remit at the R& Awill include “strategic and operationa­l responsibi­lities for golf developmen­t and amateur championsh­ips”. He will also focus on sustainabi­lity and the British Golf Museum.

An d e r t o n s a i d : “Ou r goal is to ensure the sport thrives by becoming more appealing, accessible and inclusive and the R& A has a huge role to play in driving that effort.”

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