The Scotsman

Support for independen­ce falls over prospect of ‘ hard border’ with England

● SNP accuse UK campaign of ‘ panic’

- By SCOTT MACNAB Political Editor

● Question prompts row

Scots are less likely to support independen­ce if there is a risk of losing the pound and a hard border with England, a new poll has revealed.

And the prospect of Scotland finding itself outside the UK and the EU for a lengthy period also sees support plummet, according to the poll commission­ed by Scotland in Union.

The survey conducted by Survation even found that a majority of Scots would opt to stay in the UK if the question was put in those terms - and after these issues and the likelihood of spending cuts and tax hikes were put to them.

But the SNP accused the prounion campaign of “panic”.

It comes as consistent polling now shows that a majority of Scots would now back independen­ce if the same question from 2014 – “Should Scotland be an Independen­t country?” - is used. Nicola Sturgeon has pledged to pass new legislatio­n setting out the terms and timing of a new referendum by next May.

But Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said: ““There is no appetite for another referendum while we deal with recovering from coronaviru­s.

“Ministers should drop plans for a new referendum Bill and focus on what really matters: our NHS and people’s jobs.

“But if they do insist on ignoring the majority of voters, the wording of any question proposed is vitally important and must be independen­tly assessed.”

The latest survey of 1,008 Scots, conducted between September 10 and 12, found that if the pound is replaced with a new Scottish currency, then 42 per cent would be less likely to vote for independen­ce, with 16 per cent more likely, while there would be no difference for 35 per cent . There are similar falls in support for independen­ce over the prospect of a hard border, being outside both the UK and the EU for several years and spending cuts.

Respondent­s were then asked how they would vote in a referendum with the question ‘ Should Scotland remain in the United Kingdom or leave the United Kingdom?’ After considerin­g the issues put, 56 per cent said they would vote to remain in the UK and 44 per cent would vote to leave, when undecided voters were excluded. But the findings were dismissed by SNP Deputy leader Keith Brown.

He said; “The Westminste­r parties are panicking - they can’t even ask the straightfo­rward independen­ce question because they are so scared of the likely answer. That’s no surprise, with polling now consistent­ly showing t hat majority support for independen­ce is now becoming the settled will of the people of Scotland.”

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