The Scotsman

Freedom-of-speech protection­s ‘under active considerat­ion’


Freedom- of-speech protection­s in the controvers­ial new hate crime Bill are" under active considerat­ion", the Justice Secretary has said.

The Hate Crime and Public Order( Scotland) Bill has been condemned by some groups who claim it hits free speech.

The legislatio­n, currently in stage one in the Scottish Parliament, will introduce a stirring-up of hatred offence for a number of characteri­stics, including disability, sexual orientatio­n and age.

Humza Yousaf has already said the Scottish Governmen twill propose an amendment at stage two of the Bill that would mean any offender would have to intend to stir up hatred, after a backlash from free speech groups.

The Justice Secretary has now said the Scottish Gover nm en ti swilling to look again at protection­s of free speech in the legislatio­n.

Speaking during an evidence session before the Justice Committee yesterday, Mr Yo us af said he would be open to expanding protection­s of freedom of speech to cover all of the protected characteri­stics in the Bill - as only statements made against people on the grounds of their religion or sexual orientatio­n are currently covered.

He also said he would consider broadening protection­s to acts that express "antipathy, dislike, ridicule or insults ". The Justice Secretary said :“I would anticipate some further change around the freedom-of-expression clause probably coming at stage two, be it from members or possibly from the government, but it is an area under active considerat­ion."

Later in the session, a top lawyer - whose review of hate crime legislatio­n spawned the Bill-said the changes would mirror recommenda­tions made in his 2018 report.

Lord Bra ca dale QC told the committee: "I think that would bean expression in the Bill of the kind of line that we want to identify between offensive behaviour on one side and threatenin­g and abusive behaviour with whatever other threshold there is."

When asked by committee convener Adam Tomkins if he stands by his recommenda­tions for protection­s of expression, Lord Bracadale said he did.

 ??  ?? 0 Justice secretary Humza Yousaf anticipate­s changes to Hate Crime and Public Order Bill
0 Justice secretary Humza Yousaf anticipate­s changes to Hate Crime and Public Order Bill

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