The Scotsman

Lockdown cooking is turning children into ‘little chefs’


Children are turning into“little chefs” during the latest lockdown by spending more time cooking and baking, new research suggests.

The Co-ops aid its study indicated that youngsters aged between five and 13 were in the kitchen for an average of 80 minutes a week creating their favourite foods. Almost twothirds of parents or guardians said they have continued to cook and bake with their children since the first national lockdown.

Youngsters in the North West have been devoting the most time to their culinary creations, followed by those in Northern Ireland and the West Midlands, said the Co-op.

Children's favourite treats to bake are fairy cakes and cookies, the study indicated.

Over a third of parents and carers said children' s eating habits had changed for the better during lockdown, mainly as a result of being able to spend more time eating together as a family.

Greg Rutherford, Celebrity Masterchef Winner 2019 and father of two, said: "As a father myself I know the sheer joy that can come from spending time in the kitchen with your child helping them toc reate anything from pizzas and pasta dishes to brownies and banana bread.

"Whilst enforced time spent at home has been hard on many of us at times, it' s encouragin­g to see that it has also prompted many youngsters to take more of an interest in cooking and baking.

"I really hop e this upward trend helps to establish a healthy interest in food."

Breige Donaghy, Co-op's Director of Delicious Food, said: "The first lockdown really shone a light on the simple pleasure creating a meal or baking a cake can bring.

"As restrictio­ns continue across the UK, it's heart-warming to think that children are discoverin­g, perhaps for the first time, just how rewarding time spent in the kitchen can be as well as building up their bank of favourite recipes.

"Thef uni nthek itchen, whether whip ping up some tasty buns or making smoothies, is building a life skill for our little ones."

The report was based on a survey of 1,000 parents and 1,000 children aged between five and 13.

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