The Scotsman

What happened to this nation of thinkers?


I found myself listening to the First Minister at lunchtime on Monday when I turned on the car radio so I decided to listen – for fun.

Is there any politician on the planet who can match Nicola Sturgeon for sheer long- windedness? She has the capacity to turn a five -minute update into a 15-minute ramble. That is not accidental of course, as she cuts down the time left for the "stooges of the day" with her on the platform who may just be a scientist or a doctor, who actually know what they are talking about! Questions from journalist­s are likewise squashed to a minimum.

I see that the Holyrood Parliament is contemplat­ing a second vote to force the Scottish Government to release, in full, their legal advice in the mishandlin­g of the Alex Salmond affair. Ms Sturgeon scorns the behaviour of Donald Trump so I put it to her that she is beginning to look like our home grown version! The truth is there for all to see – unless you are a committed Nationalis­t. It is a cover up. Oliver Mundell was sent out of the chamber recently for daring to say that the First Minister lied. Well done to him! It is crystal clear that the obfuscatio­n, partial answers or none at all, which have become the trademark of Nicola Sturgeon, equals political lying.

How the BBC justifies the platform it provides for the Nicola Daily Show beats me. If we are to believe her approval ratings then Scots are no longer the canny folk of old. Has she really turned this nation of thinkers into gullible followers?

ALISON FULLARTON Lumsdaine, Eyemouth

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