The Scotsman



No time of year is a bad time for a bit of raucous ska energy, but in the lead-up to Christmas it’s especially welcome to get us all in the party spirit – even if the Santa hats have to be put on outdoors and the usually eight-strong Big Fat Panda reduced to six socially distanced members in order to keep Covid-safe.

“You’ve got to use the term ‘singer’ loosely,” laughs Andy Laidlaw, describing his own role in proceeding­s. “I’m the front man, I just do all the jumping and shouting.” For this performanc­e of Man in the Middle, taken from Big Fat Panda’ s forth co min gE P of the same name, Laidlaw has toned down that onstage enthusiasm somewhat, but you can tell this is still a band who are all about the good times.

Based in Edinburgh, with a couple of members who are originally from Manchester and Darlington, Big Fat Panda have been a going concern since them id-2000s, after Laidlaw returned from a spell living in England. .

These day she’ s a cobbler, but in normal times Big Fat Panda are still an enduringly popular live band. They regularly play their own charitable Food Bank Skank nights, where entry is by donation of a bag of food.

“Ska is just good fun,” says Laidlaw. “It deals with issues, but it doesn’t push them down your throat–as long as it’ s a catchy tune. What are we, on the third or four th wave now? It’s more an American style, more fast-paced– certainly a lot faster than what 2-Tone was and what the original ’50s and ’60s reggae was. But it’s just great fun, eh?” Man in the Middle, he says, is a nod towards the early ska sound. “It’s just a nonsense song, but a good one to dance to,” he says. “We’re much out of practise, and it was more acoustic than we’re used to, but it was just good to see people. And nice to get a wee dance.”

For more on Big Fat Panda’s Man in the Middle EP and upcoming live gigs (coronaviru­s restrictio­ns permitting), see www.bigfatpand­

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0 Big Fat Panda

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