The Scotsman

Labour demands help for businesses hit by cancelled New Year events


More help is needed from the Scottish Government for businesses that rely on Hogmanay celebratio­ns to bring in much of their cash, Labour has said.

With events forced online this year as a result of coronaviru­s, the party insisted such firms must not beat risk of "falling through the funding cracks".

Labour's culture and tourism spokeswoma­n Claire Baker called for action as Scotland prepared to see in 2021 in the midst of a global pandemic.

Hogmanay is usually one of the busiest times of the year for Scotland's capital, as revellers from around the world flock to Edinburgh to join in the celebratio­ns.

But this year, instead of its traditiona­l torchlit proc ession and street party, the city is hosting a number of online events to mark the coming of the new year.

And with all of mainland Scotland currently under the toughest Level 4 restrictio­ns, pub sand restaurant­s are closed for all but take away business.

Ms Baker said: "Pubs, shops, restaurant­s and bars have all been impacted by the pandemic.

"However, not all tourism businesses can simply go online and not everyone can access the internet. Many other smaller businesses depend on physical footfall and passing traffic to keep their businesses afloat, such as stalls, rides and visitor attraction­s.

"They depend on in-person interactio­n and are the backbone of our high streets and communitie­s. We cannot risk them falling through the funding cracks."

The Labour MS Padded: "Funding has been made available for many tourism businesses, along with the £14 million fund for hotels.

"However, this fund has been over whelmed with applicatio­ns and shows that there has been a miscalcula­tion over the level of support needed across Scotland."

And she insisted :" The Scottish Government must do more to target relief at smaller, tourist-dependent businesses and provide assurances that support will be made available to them."

 ??  ?? 0 Claire Baker said firms risk ‘falling through funding cracks’
0 Claire Baker said firms risk ‘falling through funding cracks’

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