The Scotsman

Pubs and restaurant­s are counting cost of Sturgeon’s puritanica­l streak

The First Minister will owe a post-pandemic debt to Scotland’s hospitalit­y sector, writes Richard Leonard

- Richard Leonard is Scottish Labour leader

The Scottish Labour movement and the hospitalit­y industry have not always been natural bedfellows. Indeed as a union organiser, I had a few run-ins and the occasional employment tribunal victory against some rogue employers from the sector.

The widespread use of zero-hour contracts, and so low pay coupled with long and unstable hours, and anti-union practices, have rightly prompted campaigns for a much better standard of workplace treatment particular­ly from a number of restaurant and bar chains.

In its ‘fair hospitalit­y charter’, Unite the Union makes a call for basic rights like guaranteed rest breaks, minimum-hour contracts, trade union access, equal pay for young workers, and a ‘real living wage’.

The uncovering of the reprehensi­ble practice in some restaurant chains of keeping part of the customer tips intended for staff was a low point in relations between workers and parts of the hospitalit­y industry.

Yet, during this pandemic, particular­ly when harsh restrictio­ns were re-imposed this autumn, I have made common cause with the industry. Over these last few months, bars, restaurant­s and cafes have been demonised as an easy target to blame for the spread of Covid. It does feel as though they have been treated like Sodom and Gomorrah by the SNP government.

The blanket closure of all pubs, bars and restaurant­s, during their busiest time of the year, has been economical­ly devastatin­g. We have seen the end of night-time economies and a genuine and widespread fear that businesses, once closed, will not re-open.

Boris Johnson’s failures, and they are manifold, should not deflect us from holding Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP government to account over its treatment of the sector.

Pubs, restaurant­s and cafes were originally told in October that they were being shut for just two weeks, a so-called ‘circuit breaker’, to give the NHS and public services room to breathe ahead of winter.

Hospitalit­y industry bodies claimed they were being unjustly singled out. They were right. Repeated calls for evidence to back up the First Minister’s claims that hospitalit­y businesses were driving up infection rates were not met then. Even now, we are still waiting for that evidence.

For many family-run and independen­t businesses, the decision was a bitter blow. Especially when they had diligently invested in and upheld stringent health and safety rules, including table service-only policies, menu digitisati­on, track-and-trace, temperatur­e checking, strict social distancing, the erection of screens, compulsory hand sanitising for customers, and full staff PPE.

Nicola Sturgeon’s tone in early October suggested the measure was a temporary hiatus, and not a return to the four-month shutdown the sector faced at the pandemic’s start. But we are nearly three months on. People could be forgiven for beginning to think Nicola Sturgeon had effectivel­y imposed a version of 1920s US prohibitio­n on their communitie­s.

An insistence that licensed venues, allowed to open under hyper-strict and extremely time-limited conditions, do not serve alcohol, has at best an air of puritanism about it, at worst it smacks of an authoritar­ian streak at the heart of the SNP’S nationalis­m.

Labour MSPS like Alex Rowley have reasonably pointed out in parliament that allowing just an extra two-and-a-half hours of opening and alcohol sales, subject to strict social distancing, would increase turnover from £419m to £1.1bn in areas covered by restrictio­ns. Yet the SNP government has dismissed this and insists Draconian restrictio­ns for the hospitalit­y sector must remain in place, apparently indefinite­ly, and across the whole of mainland Scotland, regardless of local conditions.

Time and again, I have challenged the First Minister to justify her policy of turning off the sector like a tap and then expecting it to be just as easily turned back on again, without any clear evidence to back up that approach. When the rollout of the vaccine and a sustained fall in infections allows a real easing of restrictio­ns, Nicola Sturgeon will owe a post-pandemic debt to what remains of Scotland’s hospitalit­y sector.

Just as other critical sectors like tourism and the rural economy need additional financial help and a comprehens­ive plan to revive their Covid-ravaged industries, so too will hospitalit­y.

The government minister responsibl­e for hospitalit­y during this crisis also has responsibi­lity for rural affairs, connectivi­ty, agricultur­e, forestry, fishing, tourism and animal welfare. Maybe his brief is too wide, but if he has been making the case for hospitalit­y around the Cabinet table, he has been failing miserably.

The hospitalit­y sector, including those who work in it, needs its voice not just to be heard, but listened to. The only conclusion we can draw is that will require a combinatio­n of even greater determinat­ion and even more active self-organisati­on.

But what we also need is a government prepared to bring together industry leaders, trade unions and government to plan a way forward in the post-covid, post-brexit challenge we now face.

That’s why as we enter 2021, we must offer a ‘New Deal’ for this sector in Scotland, with generous support for those that have survived the Covid crisis, and those hoping to revive their business. This should include assistance for the option of businesses converting to employee-ownership and co-operative models to promote sustainabi­lity and democracy in the economy.

The hospitalit­y industry itself has a golden opportunit­y to reset the way it treats workers. It’s clear to me for example that Covid state aid should be dependent on firms paying workers a real living wage, recognisin­g trade unions, and dropping practices like zero-hour contracts.

This Hogmanay, all our bars and restaurant­s on the mainland remain closed, regardless of local infection rates. We do not yet know when they will reopen. When they do it should be with our full backing not just as consumers but as citizens of communitie­s who want to see a rich cultural and economic tapestry in our neighbourh­oods.

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 ??  ?? 0 Pubs and restaurant­s gave PPE to staff and introduced other measures designed to stop the spread of Covid-19
0 Pubs and restaurant­s gave PPE to staff and introduced other measures designed to stop the spread of Covid-19

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