The Scotsman

Ross says holding indyref2 would be irresponsi­ble


It would be “wholly irresponsi­ble” for a referendum on Scottish independen­ce to be held this year, Douglas Ross has said.

The Scottish Conservati­ve leader made the comments after the SNP published its 11-point “road map” towards a second vote.

It stated that a legal referendum will be held after the pandemic if a pro-independen­ce majority is elected to the Scottish Parliament in May’s election.

But Mr Ross said people are “absolutely deluded” if they think a referendum should be held rather than focusing on the country’s economic recovery from Covid-19.

Asked about the prospect of an “unofficial” referendum being staged if a Section 30 request to hold one is rejected by the UK Government, Mr Ross told the PA news agency:

“That’swhatthesn­psaythey will do if they get a majority.

“We’ve got their constituti­on minister, Mike Russell, one of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s most senior advisers, saying he wants a referendum before Christmas.

“So we’re speaking now in the next 10 months the SNP, (with) what we’re going through, all these challenges to get on top of this virus and then the economic response which is going to take years of recovery, the SNP want a referendum, a wildcat referendum, in a matter of months’ time before the end of the year.

“I just think that’s wholly irresponsi­ble, unacceptab­le and the fact that they would even threaten to have an illegal referendum shows that’s where their priority is.

“It’s not in standing up for Scottish jobs, for helping Scottish businesses, for supporting communitie­s, it’s simply about supporting the SNP’S aims for separation above all else.

“I’m clear I don’t want another referendum, I don’t support the uncertaint­y and division that would cause.

“But even if we get through the health emergency in the next few months, and I hope the SNP take on board the criticisms of their sluggish vaccine rollout and actually up the ante.

“Even if they get through that, if everything with a fair wind behind us, the Scottish Fiscal Commission last Thursday predicted that our economy in Scotland wouldn’t be back to pre-covid levels until 2024.

“So this isn’t an issue that’s just going to go away when we get through the health emergency, we then have the economic response to this pandemic.

“And if anyone thinks that we should be distracted by a divisive referendum in the next few months or years rather than focusing on our economic recovery, I think they’re absolutely deluded and they have simply the wrong priorities for Scotland.”

In a speech last Monday, Mr Ross challenged Ms Sturgeon to debate him on her party’s proposals for holding a second independen­ce referendum.

Mr Ross told PA: “This would be a televised debate on BBC or STV where the leader of the party supporting to separate Scotland from the rest of the UK and the leader of the main opposition party in Scotland and the only party strong enough to challenge the SNP.”

 ??  ?? 0 Mr Ross said people are deluded if they think a second vote is more important than the economy
0 Mr Ross said people are deluded if they think a second vote is more important than the economy

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