The Scotsman




It may only be possible to introduce a vaccine passports scheme once all adults have been offered a jab, Prime Minister Boris Johnsonhas suggested.he said no decisions had been made but there would be an update on the idea in April. A review will report in June.

@kerry_pie said: “Don't pretend to tell people that a vaccine is a choice and then force their hand by telling them that they can't even visit a pub without having it. The vaccine neither stops you from catching it, nor passing it on. Ridiculous.”

@Highlander­232 posted: “Take a look at the German City of Tübingen. They allow people who have had a negative test to visit pubs, cafes and shops. The infection rate is the lowest in Germany. Rheinland Pfalz is to follow these steps on Tuesday after Easter. Why not try something similar in UK?”

@Keithwoodw­ard55 asked: “Have you needed to prove you were negative tested to go in the supermarke­t over the last year?”

Poke_in_the_eye said: “Can't see any way out of this. A passport is the answer and not just for pubs. Travelling, restaurant­s etc it's the only solution.” @Finleydyer­9 commented: “If the government, that told young people to stay at home to protect those who are more vunerable, then turned round and reopened in such a way that young people, who are at the back of the vaccine queue, had fewer rights than those they protected . . . I would not be suprised.”

@Suelw2 remarked: “Yes I'm happy to prove I'm virus free if needed. If it means I can go freely about my business, it's a small price to pay, I feel sorry for those kicking against this, you obviously have something to hide.”

@Scampleton posted: “So call me a cynic, but what are the chances they'll pay someone (probably a partner of some MP) to set this up, only for the money to disappear before the idea is scrapped entirely.”

@philrichar­dsuk said: “A big no from me to gain access to anywhere in this country. As for foreign travel, other countries can make their own decision as to what policies they want to let others in. Not really for us to criticise that.”

@Jim4037945­1 observed: “Not everyone can have the vaccine due to health reasons, which makes vaccine passports discrimina­tory.”

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