The Scotsman




1 Alcohol-free person that mixed and took an

alcoholic drink (3,9)

8 Equal and even bias found in this city (5)

9 Conniving at four put into employment on

island (9)

11 In writings on Prince there are yawning gaps


12 Use pan in South American country to

make Mexican pepper (8)

14 Present to worker engaged in close combat


15 Completely spoil game at home (4)

18 Girl gets nothing from the year of Latin (4)

19 Miller is at pains to produce exact rendering


21 Seizes £1,000,000 (8)

23 Water feature that is demanding of

waterproof boot (6)

25 Glasvegas track re-dealing transposit­ion


26 Fight about boundary (5)

27 Kitchen gadget called for a smile and called

all the more (6,6)


1 Musketeer has precious metal arrow

originally aimed at forbear (9)

2 Falls in California greeting Jew or Arab (8)

3 Perpendicu­lar church contains curved

support (4)

4 Watch 50% of trailer (4,6)

5 Gets the better of orange lunatic on initial

sighting (6)

6 I last out in group of most wanted people


7 Source of warmth I gasp at, hence

excitement (5,7)

10 Left-hand pages, for example, are still more

insensible to editor (4,8)

13 Tea served on approach to house by cycle

mechanism (5,5)

16 Scheme for university on a first result is

two-dimensiona­l (9)

17 Be very angry to get a match (4,1,3)

20 Camp and exposed – don't tell the truth (6)

22 Fresh hotel in Scottish city (5)

24 Pay attention to audience in this place (4)

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