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Macaskill row

Former justice secretary – and Scotsman columnist – Kenny Macaskill is defiant over calls for him to stand down as an East Lothian MP to stand as a list MSP for Alex Salmond’s new party, Alba.

This is what is wrong with politics. He was voted in as a representa­tive of the SNP, he has changed that so no longer represents the vote. If he is so sure of himself then he should stand down and go for re-election against other candidates. It’s not for him to decide. He has done the dirty on the people that voted for the SNP in his region. Also, how can he give total effort if he has to split his time between Holyrood and Westminste­r? It should be one or the other, not both. The same goes for Douglas Ross – it doesn't matter if they promise to give one salary to charity.

Gavin Spence

Do the decent thing and let your electorate decide. They voted for you as an SNP candidate, so if you are convinced they want you as an Alba MP trust your own constituen­cy, it's the only fair thing to do.

Sean Page Why should he? Many MPS have changed parties during their time in office. He will have a lot of others following him. I wonder how long before more go?

Colin Knight I live in East Lothian and I can tell you there is a massive amount of anger against Kenny right now. If we can get a petition together we'll force a by-election ourselves then he can kiss his MP job goodbye

Connor Leadbetter Stand down and go to a by-election for Westminste­r if you want to be an MP, or stand on the list for Holyrood. Even wait and see if you get into Holyrood but if so then resign as MP so the constituen­ts you claim to care about get fair representa­tion. It was wrong when Alex Salmond and John Swinney did it and it would be wrong now.

Heather Hackett

An alternativ­e independen­ce party is what we’ve been badly needing for many years. Hopefully there will be some clear daylight between Alba and the SNP’S domestic policies. The SNP has moved way too far to the left, but independen­ce voters have no credible option other than the SNP.

Morris Kessler

You vote for the candidate that represents the party you want to govern but surely if that candidate no longer represents the party you want to govern should he not depart? For example, if Mr Macaskill defected to the Tories, even if I liked him I wouldn't vote Tory.

Evie Johnstone Read the rules – he aint breaking any.

Roy Brown He’ll be safe enough as he doesn’t visit East Lothian very often.

Calum Swinton

Passport plea

A top Scottish medical advisor has warned vaccine passports need to be considered. Mark Woolhouse, professor of infectious disease epidemiolo­gy at the University of Edinburgh, said vaccine passports were something that needed to be considered as part of a wider package of protective measures.

The Covid vaccine and the passport don't stop you catching Covid. It doesn't stop you spreading Covid. Just because you are vaccinated doesn't mean no more Covid. The vaccine only helps your immune system kick-start a response when you do get it. It doesn't stop it.

Robert A Anderson

Would have made sense if they had given us something to prove we had had the first jab but they didn’t. Are we getting something after the second one as proof? Who knows.

Fiona Mcallister This is a very dangerous road to be going down. The only people legally allowed to have access to your medical data are your GP and nurses who work in your GP'S practice and it should remain that way.

Angelo Greig

As long as there is provision made for people who cannot have the vaccine. Or are we going to make vulnerable people second-class citizens?

Duncan Macdonald

It will be like the masks – you will be able to show something that says you can’t have it for medical reasons.

Sarah Clark

Just who would keep the data, and personal informatio­n gathered in this Covid passport, and who would have access to it? We need less government "snooping", not more.

Anna Mosspaul

Mandatory vaccinatio­n and providing proof are nothing new in many walks of life already.

Alistair Foden I had an internatio­nal vax certificat­e for years. What's the problem?

Liz Elliott

 ??  ?? 0 This cheeky squirrel looks like he’s been caught up to no good in reader Eizabeth Hudson’s picture taken at the Chinese Pavilion in Edinurgh’s Royal Botanic Garden
0 This cheeky squirrel looks like he’s been caught up to no good in reader Eizabeth Hudson’s picture taken at the Chinese Pavilion in Edinurgh’s Royal Botanic Garden

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