The Scotsman

Samuel sees an academy looking to the future


As part of the Scotsman and Observator­y for Sport in Scotland campaign calling for a National Conversati­on on sport’s role in society, we spoke to the man behind the Spartans Community Football Academy in Edinburgh about how their model uses sport to improve the lives of local people

Later this year a team of Scottish footballer­s will pull on their socks, lace up their boots, and head on to the hallowed Hampden turf to take part in Euro 2020. Instead of the Hampden roar, the team could find themselves greeted by the sounds of silence, or perhaps a small handful of supporters, depending on Covid restrictio­ns. UEFA have even threatened to move the match from Hampden entirely, if Scotland cannot guarantee fans in the stadium.

While Covid may yet rob the Tartan Army of their biggest day in decades, it could also be a catalyst to change our sporting fortunes forever.

Hampden’s 50,000 capacity stadium is significan­tly greater than Spartans Football Club’s Ainslie Park and its 3,000 limit, but Covid has proved a great leveller and over the last year both have had exactly the same number of supporters - zero. In recent weeks, however, Ainslie Park has been brought to life by the sound of youngsters going through their paces, coaches overseeing drills and the to-and-fro of a busy community facility.

“It’s been brilliant,” saysd Douglas Samuel, the CEO of the Spartans Community Football Academy. “This is what the facility was built for – giving people the chance to play sport in safe, modern facilities. The importance of physical play and exercise has never been more important”.

The Spartans Football Club was establishe­d by two former Edinburgh University players, Elliot Wardlaw and Jimmy Beaumont, in the summer of 1951, originally for former university and college footballer­s, but soon opened up to the wider population.

The Spartans Community Football Academy is the charitable arm of the football club, formed in August 2006. “The club was already embedded in the community,” says Douglas. “I used to see local children coming along helping put up pitchside banners, our goalkeeper would attend the local gala day, we had players refereeing school sports - the whole club was more embedded in the community than anywhere else I’d seen, and that was more than 20 years ago, so it was ahead of its time.”

Like so many of his peers, Douglas grew up at a time when it was normal to spend all hours outside kicking a ball. The decline in the fortunes of our players in recent decades has been marked, and those at the sharp end link it to the loss of “free sport” from streets and parks and lack of adequate investment in providing a replacemen­t that everyone can access. It is no surprise to them that a decline in participat­ion in sport across deprived communitie­s has matched a growth in obesity and other health problems.

Getting the country actively engaged in sport of all varieties is a key prevention tool to combat obesity, poor physical and mental health and the potentiall­y devastatin­g effects of lockdown. And it starts at community level.

“I didn’t have online community or social media,” Douglas says, “and sport was like a second family to me. That is one of the biggest benefits that is being lost - there are so many social benefits from taking part in sport.

“Sadly, there has also been a correlatio­n with the decline in investment in sports facilities in recent times. “Athough we can point to some largescale iconic facilities that can be held up to the public as an example of money being put into sport, investment for community-based facilities that are accessible to everyone is insufficie­nt. We need investment at both ends of the scale”.

The Scottish Household Survey told us that in 2019, pre-covid, 46 per cent of Scotland’s population aged over-16 were engaged in no monthly sport at all. That clearly rose in 202021 and of serious concern now is what sport will be available when the all-clear is given? Poverty and inequaliti­es were identified as the main barrier to sport in Scotland prior to Covid, by Professor Tess Kay of the University of Stirling, in an OSS research report published a year ago. The Spartansbe­en tack ling that barrier for sometime, with learning and developmen­t opportunit­ies, health, employment and crime reduction all part of community-based activities and programmes in deprived parts of Edinburgh.“We were quite clear about social pur-

pose at the start,” explains Douglas. “Our intention was to play a meaningful part in improving the quality of people's lives in North Edinburgh. This intention sits at the very heart of who we are and what we do.

“From the start it was about trying to deliver excellent services in our local community that would make a genuine difference, in areas such as youth work, education, physical activity and health and well-being. These areas remain a key focus today”.

It required significan­t initial investment and incredible fundraisin­g efforts, but has more than repaid backers with widespread community, health and economic boosts - key elements of community sport that the “National Conversati­on” is seeking to turn the spotlight on.

A recent UEFA study into the value of community football found that Spartans delivered benefits to the local area valued at over £5m per year – and, Douglas points out, their calculatio­n did not include their extensive youth work and long-term benefits he knows that it brings to the participan­ts, their families and communitie­s.

“It’s difficult for government, and it would be easy to say we don’t get enough support, but you have to be realistic - there is only so much money to go around and government­s have to make difficult choices about who gets what,” he says. “But sport is and can be a great thing for society. Against a backdrop of the public purse reducing – it’s more important than ever for us to articulate the wider social benefits sport can have.

“If the last year has shone a light on anything it’s the inequaliti­es that exist in our society today. Different parts of society experience barriers to participat­ion in sport, and that is even more reason for us as sector to challenge ourselves, to take stock and ask ourselves are we actively reaching out across our local communitie­s, listening and removing those barriers.

“There’s a tsunami of mental health issues coming around the corner. In addition, Scotland hasn’t just discovered it has got an obesity challenge, we’ve had one for decades. Coming out of the pandemic gives us a perfect chance to ask ourselves are we investing in the right areas, are we being efficient in terms of the public spend. Sadly, the statistics around physical health and well-being suggest we are still failing”.

For Douglas, community inclusion is the priority for any strategic sport plan.

“Some families simply don’t have the disposable income to enable them to sign their son or daughter up to take part in sport. We need to do more to make playing sport more accessible .“The national solution needs to be built around local action and Clubs. Yes, we need a vision, a coherent plan from the top. How can the powers that be best serve Clubs to enable them to embrace the opportunit­ies to do more around improving the quality of people’s lives.”

The first challenge for many thousands of clubs as they finally emerge from lockdown will simply be survival, as the loss of a year’s income bites, but Samuel believes the pandemic has provided a fresh opportunit­y for a fresh start in Scotland.

“You’ve had, in lockdown, a lot of people suddenly taking up recreation­al exercise, whether it's walking, cycling or Joe Wicks. The challenge and opportunit­y for those of us in sport is how do we connect with this new pipeline of people doing exercise?

“If we just return to the status quo, there is a real danger we will lose a whole wave of people who have never been so engaged in Exercise.“At the same time finances must be a concern - poverty begins with financial poverty, and so that will be a real concern for clubs.

“In terms of our own youth section, families have been incredibly supportive - so many continued to pay club membership fees to support our community efforts.

“Sadly, there will be some clubs at serious risk of going under. “There has to be a look at how facilities can be more accessible. When you see the real social benefits that can be achieved, how can more sports clubs take ownership of facilities they currently use?”

He added: “That’s why we need this ‘National Conversati­on’. Now is the time to look at how we support community facilities in Scotland, and enable more sports clubs to take ownership of their facility to make them more accessible.”

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