The Scotsman

Litter louts


An Edinburgh man filled more than 20 black bags with rubbish after police dispersed hundreds of young people gathered illegally on the Meadows.

Two things here. Where were the cleansing department? Hiding behind Covid as an excuse. And this is the generation that we are all to feel sorry for, last to be vaccinated, when the Covid passport comes in they will not gain entry to various venues, cannot travel abroad etc. Oh dear, my heart sinks for them.

David Black I'm not condoning the littering, that aspect is breaking the law. But I find it a joke that gathering is against the law.

Andy Hislop

Maybe the people that make the mess in the first place should clean it up.

Patricia Anderson

If you buy things they are yours. Just because you used part of it doesn't mean you can throw the rest of it anywhere – it's all yours, packaging and all, and has to be disposed of properly. That’s why there are bins and if they are full take it home to the bin provided for you. Everyone is getting angry at this and expecting the council to come at the back of them to tidy up but we don't pay our council tax to run around after people. I would like to see their houses.

Isabel Nicholson

We just getting closer to that fence being built around the Meadows. Keep it up! The same people who march for climate change are the people doing this.

Quentin Bothma

I am just as disgusted with littering as everyone should be. And as an Edinburgh man born and bred, I think Edinburgh is a disgrace. I have lived in Canada for more than 50 years and most people coming here to visit remark on how clean and tidy it is. I have five acres of park behind my home used by people very frequently and I would defy you to find one piece of garbage on the ground,

Roy Miller Cummings This guy cleared it up at night whereas in the summer the cleansing department were coming in every morning between 6am and 7am to do it. You can't expect them to clear it up while people are still there.

Cynthia Taylor It’s an open air space. It’s safer for people to congregate there than student halls etc . Anyway, most students have probably had Covid and didn’t even know. Them leaving rubbish isn’t acceptable, though.

James Melvin

You are welcome in every town and city Nicola as you have been a great First Minister.

Try visiting your constituen­cy in Govanhill. Maybe you could get a brush and shovel and help to clean

Spaces for People means cars can’t park anywhere near facilities. I didn’t see one cyclist using “their” space.

Carol Mackay

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