The Scotsman

Another work of fiction by Louis de Bernieres


Louis De Bernieres has failed to do any research before producing his fictional image of an independen­t Scotland (Letters, 31 March). In response to his questions:

1 and 2. The SNP plans to establish a Scottish currency as soon as possible and there is no intention of using the euro.

3. Scotland has been a member of the EU and as a wealthy modern democratic nation meets all the requiremen­ts for EU membership.

4. Unlike England, Scotland has a balance of trade surplus and as England’s fourth largest export market it is in both countries’ interests to reach an agreed solution. There would be no difference to the much longer border between Norway and Sweden.

5. The Faslane nuclear base would be a very powerful bargaining chip for any Scottish government during independen­ce negotiatio­ns and the jobs involved could easily be replaced by establishi­ng a Scottish naval base.

6. Under Gers, Scotland is charged £3.5 billion a year for defence but Ireland gets by on spending one billion a year while supplying forces to help with UN peacekeepi­ng missions

7. Scotland pays its share for UK embassies and as part of the EU its citizens would have access to their facilities.

8. As the revenues went to London, oil has never been a major part of the Scottish economy.

9. Under the Union, Scotland can no longer rely on the Barnett formula as Boris Johnson has centralise­d the EU structural funding priorities in London.

10. The SNP is not a republican party and with over 100,000 members there is a wide range of opinions on many topics.

11. Malta and Cyprus had more say over the UK Brexit deal than Scotland which voted by overwhelmi­ngly to remain but was completely ignored by Westminste­r.

12. After independen­ce, people in Scotland will be free to apply for the passport of their choice but few will wish to be associated with the xenophobic Union Jackery direction of travel in England.

MARY THOMAS Watson Crescent, Edinburgh

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