The Scotsman



Douglas Ross pledges his party will build 40,000 council houses if elected. Can anyone spot a flaw?

One great thing about living in Scotland is we will never, ever, ever have a Tory government at Holyrood, which is why they want to close it. Scots haven’t voted Conservati­ve as their first choice since 1955. Could they be coalition partners? Ask the Lib Dems how that worked out. The People’s Party might also think twice following their Eviscerati­on Waltz at the Better Together Ball.

The second flaw is credibilit­y. The Tory Party has never built a council house. David Cameron promised 200,000 starter homes in 2015 but the National Audit Office looked and found not one.

If the leader of the Scottish Conservati­ves wants to pretend he cares about civilised housing he can begin with an apology. How about:

I’m sorry the Conservati­ve Party sold the bulk of Scotland’s 500,000 council homes. I’m sorry a high proportion of these are now owned by private landlords. I’m sorry not a penny of that colossal revenue was reinvested in council house building; at the time, tax cuts for our people seemed more important. I’m sorry about the bedroom tax and the attendant misery. I’m sorry we rolled housing benefit into an impoverish­ing Universal Credit system causing vast rent arrears, evictions and homelessne­ss.

Just for the record, the SNP government ended the right to buy in 2016 and completely mitigates the bedroom tax.

FRASER MCALLISTER Inveresk Road, Musselburg­h

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