The Scotsman

Easter brings (cautious) hope

We must keep following the rules but can allow ourselves to look forward to end of this nightmare


Easter really has brought new hope this year. After Stay at Home was replaced with Stay Local on Friday, today sees the next step towards lockdown easing as hairdresse­rs and barbers can reopen for prebooked appointmen­ts, click and collect shopping will be permitted, and homeware shops and garden centres can welcome back customers.

It has been a long wait and we are sure many will be taking advantage on the Easter break.

As part of our Rediscover Scotland campaign, the Scotsman is of course encouragin­g everyone to get out and about and support local businesses as they reopen – and when it is safe to do so.

But, as Deputy First Minister John Swinney said yesterday and we agree, the message has to be, stick to the rules.

As we look towards greater relaxation of restrictio­ns at the end of the month, and then, hopefully, some kind of “normal” by the summer, caution has to continue to be the watchword.

The disgracefu­l scenes on Edinburgh’s Meadows over the weekend are a timely reminder of the precarious position in which we find ourselves.

We have come so far, made so many sacrifices, and mourned too many loved ones and friends to throw it away now.

While vaccinatio­ns continue and give us confidence, the virus has not gone away and remains an invisible threat.

Today is a rare piece of good news as we take the first step out of this nightmare... but it is also a risk.

So as we enjoy our newfound freedoms today, we should also be patient, and where venues are crowded, step back and try again later.

We have waited this long and so can always wait a little longer.

As spring turns to summer and the country opens up, we hope everyone will take advantage of what is on their doorstep. There are businesses and attraction­s the length and breadth of the country who will need our support like never before. And let’s face it, we will need them just as much as we venture beyond the garden for the first time in months

The end is truly in sight, Easter brings hope of a new beginning for us all. Stay safe and enjoy.

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