The Scotsman




More than 31 million people in the UK have now had a first dose of Covid-19 vaccine while over 5 million have had a second shot, according to government figures.

@whatcathsa­ys sid: “What about the under 50s with asthma. Feeling very forgotten about… waiting for a first jab, now clearly more at risk than many queuing up for their second.”

@jahinakhat­un15 asked: “Where’s my one then, I’m nearly 50, I’m supposed to be vulnerable or something at this age, plus I had months of chest infection around the whole of last year and early this year.”

@Manishs4 wrote: “K will definitely win this battle against corona.”

@lock0164 added: “4/5 of world has nowhere near enough vaccines to prevent variants from spinning out, thereby affecting us if they learn to evade immune response. That is why it is a Pandemic. The whole world needs to be taken into account.”

@scotydodge­r said: “Looking forward to getting my vacation passport if it goes ahead.”

@hairui_dk wrote: “What impressive statistics, which glow in the darkness of this pandemic! It must be an envy of the shambolic EU, which is hopelessly behind. The statistics show that 59.2% of the UK’S adult population have one dose of vaccine and 9.8% have two doses.”


Former Home Secretary Alan Johnson commended leader Sir Keir Starmer for his efforts in turning Labour around after Jeremy Corbyn’s time in charge.

@Lastblairi­te wrote: “Alan Johnson is the best leader Labour never had. Genuinely believe he could have been even better than Blair.”

@Guyburrell replied: “Better than Blair, that's an extremely low bar.”

@Carapac wrote: “Johnson’s good manners and respect towards political opponents are stuff of legend. The Labour Remain campaign he ran was famed for its efficiency and breadth of reach.”

@Bareleft wrot: “New Labour apparatchi­ks like Alan Johnson are in denial about how deeply the party base rotted in former ‘heartlands’ areas on their watch through 13 years of government. They had the power to do something about it but chose not to. In 2019 the party paid for this ignorance.”

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