The Scotsman

Johnson’s refusal to grant referendum ‘ would change Union’


Blocking a second referendum on independen­ce would “fundamenta­lly” change the nature of the Union, according to a former UK civil servant who helped to negotiate the Edinburgh Agreement that led to the 2014 vote.

Professor Ciaran Martin said preventing a second referendum in the event of a pro-independen­ce majority at Holyrood would mean the Union changes from one based on consent to one “based on force of law”.

Prof Martin was constituti­on director at the Cabinet Office between 2011 and 2014, sitting alongside David Cameron when the Edinburgh Agreement was signed with the Scottish Government in 2012.

Now a professor at Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government, he has written a paper discussing the constituti­onal issues around the 2014 referendum and a possible re-run in the future.

It says: “The formal position of the Government of the United Kingdom appears to be that there will be no lawful or democratic route by which to achieve Scottish independen­ce for an unspecifie­d number of decades.

“This is irrespecti­ve of how Scotland votes in May, or at any subsequent election during this unspecifie­d period.

“My principal contention in the paper published today is that should events transpire – either later this year or in subsequent years – that make this currently rhetorical position a firm constituti­onal reality, then the Union as we understand it will have changed fundamenta­lly.

“In effect, it would change the Union from one based on consent, to one based on the force of law.”

He said his paper did not aim to make the case for the merits of the union or independen­ce, but was “about how the British state faces up to the possible clash between votes and laws”.

Prof Martin also said both sides in the 2014 referendum made “implausibl­e” claims.

The Yes side wrongly asserted there would be an automatic entitlemen­t to a currency union, he said, while the No side suggested an independen­t Scotland would be “alone and friendless” in the world.

SNP depute leader Keith Brown said: "This paper blows apart Boris Johnson's strategy for trying to block a referendum and exposes it for the anti-democratic ploy it is."

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