The Scotsman

Diversific­ation key to success


Just like a varied diet can deliver the best health, a diversifie­d agricultur­e is likely to be the most resilient, say scientists.

Looking at the ‘triple threat’ to global food production, a paper coauthored by a James Hutton Institute social scientist found diversific­ation is key to agrifood systems.

Along with scientists in the US, Dr Adam Calo analysed the effects of two principal trends in agrifood systems, simplifica­tion and diversific­ation, on the threats of climate change, biodiversi­ty loss and food security.

“We found that all three of the triple threats are mitigated in more diverse agricultur­al pathways, whereas they tend to be worsened in simplified systems. Importantl­y, we know that a lot of the negative impacts are disproport­ionately felt by marginalis­ed communitie­s.”

Focus on just one or two crops or livestock varieties often saw fewer producers intensify yields and increase profit, while relying heavily on agrichemic­als. Diversific­ation, meanwhile, focused on improving outcomes for more people, benefiting natural systems and integratin­g resilience to future shocks and stressors.

Calo said that while the results were primarily from American trials, they were highly relevant to Scotland and warned any policy pursuit of narrow land use objectives at farm level - such as a sole focus on yields or carbon sequestrat­ion - could result in a ‘brittle’ form of resilience.

He added that Scotland’s existing diversity could help deliver the most equitable transition to a lowcarbon farming policy agenda.

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