The Scotsman

Biden lays out climate challenge to world


Joe Biden has warned world leaders this is the "decisive decade" to avoid the worst impacts of climatecha­nge as he outlined targets for the US to halve its emissions by 2030.

The US president hosted a virtual leaders summit to galvanise internatio­nal action to curb rising global temperatur­es.

Mr Biden and Boris Johnson, who also addressed the summit, both sought to highlight the opportunit­y to create good jobs as they urged other countries to follow their lead.

Joe Biden has warned world leaders this is the "decisive decade" to avoid the worst impacts of climate change as he outlined targets for the US to halve its emissions by 2030.

The US president set out a new target to achieve a 50-52 percent reduction in emissions from 2005 levels by 2030, as he hosted a virtual leaders summit to galvanise internatio­nal action to curb rising global temperatur­es.

Mr Biden and Boris Johnson, who also addressed the summit, both sought to highlight the opportunit­y to create good jobs from shifting to clean energy and technology as they urged other countries to follow their lead with action.

Despite a few technical hitches, the summit's first session provided a powerful roll call of leaders of major economies stressing the importance of tackling climate change - and in a number of cases setting out new efforts.

The new US target is part of the country's national climate plan, which it is submitting as part of its return to the Paris climate accord, the world's first comprehens­ive climate treaty which Donald Trump quit when he was president.

Countries have been expected to come forward with more ambitious plans up to 2030, known as nationally determined contributi­ons (NDC) in the Paris deal, ahead of a major UN summit, Cop26, taking place in November.

That is because existing plans are not nearly enough to meet countries' commitment­s under the Paris deal to curb global temperatur­e rises to as little as 1.5C if possible and avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change.

Among the countries bringing forward new targets were Japan, whose prime minister Yoshihide Suga said its target would be a 46 per cent cut on 2013 levels, compared to an earlier26 percent goal, with efforts to push the reduction as high as 50 per cent.

Canada's prime minister Justin Trudeau announced his country's new target of slashing carbon emissions by 40 per cent to 45 per cent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels, saying it was" on track to blow past" the old target of a 30 per cent cut.

The European Union has agreed a new climate law which includes a goal to cut its emissions by 55 per cent by 2030 on 1990 levels.

And for the UK, Mr Johnson this week announced a "worldleadi­ng" target to cut emissions by 78 per cent on 1990 levels by 2035, which builds on plans to cut pollution by 68 per cent by 2030, the most ambitious among leading economies.

But campaigner­s in the UK have warned that policies and action are urgently needed to deliver on the pledges and cut pollution from homes, transport, industry and power supplies.

Analysts at Climate Action Tracker said the new US target would reduce the global emissions gap between action pledged and the cuts needed to meet the Paris goals by around 5-10 per cent in 2030, but bigger cuts would be needed for the US to play its part in meeting the 1.5C target.

Opening the summit, Mr Biden said: "The signs are unmistakea­ble, the science is undeniable. The cost of inaction keeps mounting. The United States isn't waiting, we are resolving to take action."

 ??  ?? US President Joe Biden delivers remarks, during a virtual Leaders Summit on Climate with 40 world leaders, from the White House
US President Joe Biden delivers remarks, during a virtual Leaders Summit on Climate with 40 world leaders, from the White House

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