The Scotsman




It was reported that Extinction Rebellion climate activists had smashed 19 windows at the HSBC headquarte­rs in L ondon’s Canary Wharf.

@witherjay wrote: “Prison if they can’t pay the fine. I am sick of people committing criminal damage and getting away with it.”

@maxwellpow­er disagreed: “Absolutely fantastic work from my colleagues here. Stay strong amigos – we will not be silenced .”

@smokeyblac­on wrote: “Not at work today, this lot then?”

@alexjhilto­n wrote: “And now workmen will have to turn up in huge vans using power tools to replace all the windows with glass that is made using a furnace. Climate saved, though. Well played protesters, well played.”

@Saschimera wrote: “Exactly, 9 windows means less than a fart on a radar to HSBC, so today's action won't resonate in the slightest, all XR achieved today was bad press and potential criminal damage charges, so what exactly was the point?”

@antonellam­arr3 echoed the question: “What's their point? Why breaking windows? (I am actually serious, I want to know). ” @Mettlesom eteri replied: “Did it get you talking about it? Yes. Are you now more informed about who is funding global catastroph­e? Yes. Job done.”


Amid the battle against Covid-19, some US healthcare experts are encouragin­g the use of two face masks, a practice popularly called ‘double masking’ . This, they say, could create a stronger barrier against the deadly disease.

@savethetur­tles2 wrote: “Just wear a mask period ! Make sure it’s on bridge of nose . I wear two or a k95 at work. You do get used to it . I’m fully vaccinated! Get the vaccine so we can stop wearing masks. We were told summer if 85% immunity! Stop believing conspiracy theorists and trust science.”

@davidwoode­rson jo ked (hopefully): “I’ve been wearing a full body hazmat suit any time I’ve left my bedroom (not often, can’t be too careful). Blessed to have not gotten Covid yet.”

@abdelmoham­d4 definitely joked: “I now stuff cotton in my nose on top of wearing a mask while simultaneo­usly poking holes in my lungs so as to breath air only in my body. I’m doing my part to end this pandemic.”

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