The Scotsman

Poll of the day


SNP hopes of a majority at next month’s Holyrood elections continue to fade as another poll shows the party is set to narrowly miss out on returning more than 65 MSPS.

They’ve failed Scotland on every single devolved responsibi­lity – [they are] unfit to serve.

Dale Maclennan

They are overpromis­ing and controllin, maybe, just maybe, the electorate are beginning to see through it.

Nick Black

I would like to believe that Scotland could collective­ly wake up and realise that the SNP are not a credible opposition to the Tories and don’t have the ability or quality to run Scotland the way it needs and deserves, I don’t have an alternativ­e but surely getting rid of what doesn't work would be a really good start.

Jimi Marshall

The "alternativ­e" would be any party, or coalition of parties, who believe that Scotland has the best of both worlds, as a member of the UK and with its own powerful, devolved, Scottish Parliament. We need a party/parties in power who would make full use of our raft of devolved powers. The SNP has no desire to use them properly, or make devolution work because that would reduce the calls for independen­ce.

Cameron Mcleod

Your idea would lead to no Scottish Government at all.

Margaret Mcquarrie

Once we are independen­t Scottish people get to vote for whatever party they want to govern Scotland. You know, like normal countries throughout the world...

It’s not difficult – you can get beyond the SNP with independen­ce.

Jill de Fresnes I feel more restrictio­ns being lifted ASAP as vote bribery by & @Thescotsma­nnewspaper

Your comments on some of the most popular stories of the day taken from The Scotsman website and Facebook page

Nicola Sturgeon.

Angela Mcdermott

This will just encourage SNP voters to get out and vote.

Brian Falconer

How in the name of all that's holy are the Tories doing so well?

Jonathan Gant

Hopefully the people who care about Scotland's future will vote [Sturgeon] out. I can't imagine why the voters in Govanhill still vote for her, she basically ignores them.

Alison Braine

We will win against the most corrupt, lying Tory government in modern times. The people of the Scottish nation know they are being disrespect­ed by


Louise Stirton I don't understand this. Surely it should've gone up after [Sturgeon’s] announceme­nt she was going to rebuild Edinburgh’s eye hospital… unless people are finally beginning to see through all her lies.

CR Ronald This is a devolved assembly election, nothing more just a step up from council elections.

Stevie Rock

Unfortunat­ely it gives this incompeten­t SNP SG the power to waste millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money.

Veronica Hunter

[Sturgeon] has destroyed hospitalit­y. Singled us out where there is proof we weren’t causing an upturn in cases. Kept Edinburgh In the same tier as Glasgow so as not to upset her core vote.

Kev Mcghee So many failures over 14 years but that carrot of a Utopian (yet mythical) independen­ce keeps just under half of Scots wedded to voting SNP. Five years ago I changed from seeing myself as ‘Scottish & British’ to ‘British & Scottish’. I can’t see that changing any time soon.

Wayne Morris

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