The Scotsman




1 Feverish if rebel reacts (7)

5 Cover cockney man in the meantime (7)

9 Immobile like a well-establishe­d tree (6,2,3,4)

10 Joint winner in a row (4)

11 Runner-up’s estimate? (6-4)

13 One million for each? It’s indecent (8)

14 Reportedly cold pepper (6)

16 Slovenly sort of nudity! (6)

18 Generating good manners (8)

21 Venture to come in with sound award (10)

22 List containing some nutritious items (4)

24 Calibratio­n does affect muscle-building drug (8,7)

25 Some gas, it is a mixture used in welding (7)

26 Type lad replaced in a skilful way (7)


1 Ship’s officer’s instant true-life

representa­tion (5,10)

2 Expression­s of disapprova­l one heard to rise

during drinking bout (5-2)

3 Feature I found on the way up (4)

4 Cockney man’s going to starting place at sea

that’s highly regarded (8)

5 Short introducti­ons (6)

6 Step over circular device used for walking to

work? (10)

7 20 down, help a different 20 down (7)

8 Being maternal during half of weekend in

Lent (9,6)

12 Ladies’ magazine (6,4)

15 Rishi’s travelling over each main area (5,3)

17 Measure strength of solution, or speed of

small bird (7)

19 Cold food, cricketer accepted ball from

vessel (7)

20 One drawing diminutive Arthur, it’s

arranged (6)

23 Part of these regions withered (4)

 ??  ??

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