The Scotsman

Children’s diet raises obesity risk


British children are eating "exceptiona­lly high" proportion­s of ultra-processed foods, increasing their risk of obesity, new research suggests.

The study looked at the health impact of ultraproce­ssed foods (UPFS) – food and drink heavily processed during manufactur­e, such as frozen pizzas, fizzy drinks, mass-produced packaged bread and some ready meals.

Researcher­s found that UPFS make up a considerab­ly high proportion of children's diets - more than 40 per cent of intake in grams and more than 60 per cent of calories on average.

The higher the proportion of UPFS youngsters consume, the greater the risk of them becoming overweight or obese, according to the study.

It also suggests that eating patterns establishe­d in childhood extend into adulthood, potentiall­y setting children on a lifelong trajectory for obesity and a range of negative physical and mental health outcomes.

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