The Scotsman

Get ready for tough times ahead


While the pace of agricultur­al policy change might be slower in Scotland, all of the UK’S farmers were yesterday warned by farm consultant­s not to put off making the difficult decisions necessary to prepare their businesses for the future.

Giving a review of prospects for the coming year’s harvest, Richard King, director with the farm consultant­s Andersons, said that while there were some grounds for optimism on cereal returns this year, this should not result in growers taking a more relaxed attitude to preparing their businesses for hard times.

“With some major changes coming through over a very short timescale, especially to the BPS support system, the old adage that it’s better to mend the roof while the sun is shining certainly comes into play.

“Eveninscot­landwherep­roducers might have a slightly longer stay of execution on support changes, now is the time to face up to difficult and hard decisions, rather than putting them off until a rainy day.”

“And if you have a good idea for developing your business, why would you wait for policy change to drive it forward?”

While he said that there were signs that the Scottish government was considerin­g using agricultur­e as a lever to help it meet its climate change targets, he also warned against building hopes that carbon offsetting credits would provide a lucrative answer.

“While some may think that there is a pot of gold to be earned from harvesting carbon, I’m less certain that this actually exists at the end of the rainbow,” said King.

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