The Scotsman

Pupils taught ‘the positives of global warming’


The national exams body has come under fire from environmen­talists for teaching the “positives” of climate change in the curriculum – such as better weather bringing more tourists to northern countries such as Scotland.

The Scottish Qualificat­ion Authority’s course specificat­ion states that the pros and cons of climate change should be given equal weight in the National 5 Geography course.

But Scottish Greens Ross Greer said: “Asking students to list benefits of the climate crisis is like asking them to think of all the exciting opportunit­ies that come from their house burning down.”

The national exams body has come under fire from environmen­talists for teaching the “positives” of climate change in the curriculum – such as better weather bringing more tourists to northern countries such as Scotland.

The Scottish Qualificat­ion Authority’s course specificat­ion states that the pros and cons of climate change should be given equal weight in the National 5 Geography course. The document goes as far as listing alleged benefits of global warming such as "increased tourism to more northerly latitudes” and “improved crop yields”. These examples are used in numerous textbooks available for the course.

A new report released this week confirmed that climate breakdown is set to cost the greater Glasgow area alone in excess of £400 million per year in damage by 2050.

Scottish Greens education

spokesman Ross Greer said: “Asking students to list benefits of the climate crisis is like asking them to think of all the exciting opportunit­ies that come from their house burning down.

"Boosting tourism will hardly be our priority when half a billion climate refugees need a permanent home in cooler northern countries like Scotland. Yet again, Scotland’s exams authority has some serious questions to answer.

“Hosting the COP26 climate summit later this year will offer Scotland the chance to drive change. It means young people can hope to see the action that is so urgently needed delivered right on their doorstep. In that context, the absolute absurdity ofthesqacl­aiminganup­surge in tourism is a benefit of climate change is not only deeply inappropri­ate, but downright depressing.”

Caroline Rance, Friends of the Earth Scotland climate campaigner, said: “In recent years young people have led the charge for climate action due to the failure of those in power to adequately respond. They have often spoken out about the lack of education in schools about the climate crisis and its devastatin­g impacts for people around the world.

“There is no positive spin to put on the climate emergency and those designing this curriculum need to go back to school on this issue.”

The SQA is set to be scrapped following a damning report by the OECD. The SQA was contacted for comment.

 ??  ?? 0 Climate change protestors
0 Climate change protestors

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